Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Episode 29: Buzz Off, Buddy - We're Hangry!
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Jessica and Dana are both traumatized from unexpected encounters at 7-11 last week and then again after being eaten alive by the mosquito invasion hitting Southern California. The girls have different ideas of how to treat bug bites. The important question of when should someone intervene when they witness a person in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation is discussed as well as why do strangers feel ok telling someone to "Smile, you'll look better." On a lighter note, quite literally, they rant away about people who host a party claiming to serve food and all that is provided is a mere bag of potato chips. Dana tries to tell Jessica she was at an event that served tabouleh, but insisted it was called peyote. What the What Corner features an optical illusion t-shirt from Japan and a bear that embodied the Kool Aid Man. What ingredient should never go in Deviled Eggs? What jingle do D & J belt out this episode? Listeners give opinions on a book D and J both bought in Let's Be Thoughtful Corner. Raves include a boy that was bullied who adopted special puppy in need, and Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation teaming up with Donors Choose to fund 162 classrooms affected by recent mass shootings.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Episode 28: Operator? Can You Help Me With This Owl?
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Straight out of the gate we find out what 70's folk music Jessica does and doesn't like and how the word fusion drives Dana insane when regarding food or music. If Dana were a cartoon she's be Betty Boop whereas Jessica would be Spike the bulldog from Tom and Jerry. Eyebrow maintenance, easy or impossible? D and J have different opinions on this. Jessica rants about making a trip to a specific store for a specific item only to find it's out of stock, again. Dana is fired up about gas station etiquette and thinks she can stop vigilantes with poster board and sidewalk chalk. Weirdo of the Week is a woman who put a cephalopod on her face and Dana assumed it was a kid. Senior Citizens in Utah set up a table at the local farmers market to dole out free advice. Raves include: Bitchstix, a line of lip and body balms that donates to retailer nominated non profit organizations that support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Haben Girma, the first blind and deaf person to graduate from Harvard Law School, who is also an author and American disability rights advocate for protection and inclusion for people of all abilities.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Episode 27: Let Her Rip: Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Jessica begins with a public service announcement warning us of the dangers of electric scooters. Dana's pet menagerie have become the mascots of our podcast. Dana has had it with people who don't know what they want to order when they get up to a counter, maybe it's because she can rattle her order off like an auctioneer. Jessica and Dana fall down a vortex of gaseous proportions and have very different ideas about what is acceptable when it comes to relieving yourself. Just how often does Jessica wake her neighbors and how angry does she get when people walk painfully slow down a sidewalk for no good reason? Jessica has a bone to pick with Dana's What the What Corner and they both are jealous of the woman who got a surprise phone call in this week's Celeb Corner. Raves this week go from local to global. We see the impact of a group coming together as "Harvest Bees" to knock out a season worth of farming for one of their own in need. Helen Keller International (HKI) is an international foundation combatting the causes and consequences of blindness, poor health and malnutrition.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Episode 26: Under Where? Don't Care
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Dana took a high profile work out class and you will never believe the celeb she got to "work" out with. What part of your body leads you? According to Dana, Jessica is ruled by her intense control of her shoulders. Dana's weird behavior at a party a few weeks ago was confirmed to be true at a wedding this week while she donned her new mint green petticoat. Jessica rants about overly friendly employees asking too many personal questions when you just want to grab your coffee and go. Dana rants about people who feel the need to tell you when a sliver of your bra shows but won't give you the courtesy of knowing when your dress is in your underwear. Corners this week include a man who "accidentally" threw $23,000 into his recycling bin, and a drug king pin in Brazil who tried to escape disguised as his teenage daughter. Does apple cider vinegar remove the smell of cat urine? Why should men was their hands before they go to the bathroom? Raves this week include Fresh Outfitters, a special boutique for Foster Kids to shop for free to get brand new clothing for the first time in their life, and Officers in Indiana offer people to donate supplies to a local animal shelter instead of paying their $25 fine.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Episode 25: Blown Away
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Episode 24: After All That We've Been Through, Clean Up After Yourself
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Dana wisely warned us of her whereabouts in case she didn't return from shooting a film in the desert. The power of a surprise in the mail shows us when you don't know what to do when someone you love is hurting or struggling, a simple message letting them know you are thinking of them goes a long way. Jessica's husband mesmerizes Canadian children like the Pied Piper when he busts out some tunes on his jaw harp. Hear how Dana's son reacted to her not allowing him to have water in bed. Jessica and Dana sing another long lost tune as they try to determine which Robert Downey Junior movie also starred a cute blonde. Rants from listeners this week include the rude and inconsiderate treatment of janitors and housekeepers by those that employ them, and the outrageous behaviors of people on public transport. What The What Corner features a masseuse who bites her clients. Kids Are Amazing Corner features two young sisters who read bedtime stories on Facebook Live to increase literacy and for kids who may not have someone to read to them. Dana raves about the Magic Yarn Project, a magical organization who makes and provides soft yarn wigs for children undergoing cancer treatments in the style of their favorite characters. Jessica raves about Hilarity For Charity, is a nonprofit movement, led by Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen, dedicated to raising awareness, inspiring change, and accelerating progress in Alzheimer's care, research and support through the engagement of millenials.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Episode 23: Throwing it Waaaaaay Up
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Episode 22: Teen Wolf vs Crocodile Aussies
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Why does Jessica keep going to the opera with her husband and not Dana? The Great Wolf Lodge is not a wilderness club but instead a massive indoor water park that Dana braved with her son for 72 hours. Dana teaches us some lessons in pool and hotel etiquette and regales three instances of her scolding other patrons of the Lodge. How did Dana know her suite mate only packed one pair of underwear for her husband? Find out how much wine can fit in an over priced souvenir cup and what foods aren't allowed in the pool area. Jessica incenses Dana again when she let's her know how she spent the weekend relaxing in Laguna Beach while Dana was the target of water blasters and teenage wolf cries. Jessica is fed up with store clerks commenting on and asking questions about what she is purchasing. Find out the cashier's reason for opening and smelling the deodorant she bought. A mash up of corners occurs when Accent Corner meets Mr. Young Corner. Kids are Amazing Corner features a little boy who hand makes bowties for shelter dogs and cats to help them get adopted. Prepare to have your heart explode as we introduce Team Baker, the amazing little boy and his mama and the unbelieveable community that rallies around them as he fights two terminal and rare genetic diseases with a smile that will capture your heart.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Episode 21: Wax On, Whistle Off
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Episode 20: Hand, Foot, and Mouth
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Dana and Jessica have a night filled with Rosé and the kind of sandwich you can only eat once a year. Dana goes back to The Good Place and the red fox is reunited with the silver fox once again. Jessica wants to know why servers remove your drink glass when there is still liquid to be enjoyed and recounts how she herself was not cut out for waiting tables. Dana is on par with a listener who witnessed a man opening condiment packets at a restaurant with his nail clippers. Dana hates feet and is appalled that Jessica thinks it's ok to ask her husband to ever touch her feet, all the while her own hubs would love to oblige. Do you say scissor or scissors? Inquiring minds want to know! Stranger Thing's David Harbor makes a high schooler's dream come in this week's Celebrity Corner and we learn about Skye Brown, the youngest skateboarder in contention for a place on the British Summer Olympic Team. Raves this week include a listener who inspires us weekly with her acts of kindness and teaching kids etiquette and manners to help them navigate through life, and Medi Teddy, a company started by a child who wanted to help put a smile on other children's faces who are undergoing IV treatments.