Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Episode 19: Stop, Squat and Roll
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
After a screening of the Goonies at Hollywood Forever, Dana and Jessica go down the rabbit hole of their favorite crushes from childhood. Mackenzie or Sean? Haim or Feldman? Hear them hash out which '80s sitcom had the best theme song. Dana and Jessica are in pain in different areas from laughing so much and it causes Jessica to question if she has a medical condition. People not picking up waste, both from humans and animals, sends Dana over the edge. Random tv and movie reviews ensue and the girls can't decipher the correct names for anyone. Jessica has had it with people not holding a door open and when you do it for others, a clown car of people pile in or out. Help Wanted Corner is introduced as we see if any of our listeners will want to be paid by Nasa to stay in bed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to test artificial gravity. Dana and Jessica add multiple words to the list of those they do not pronounce the same. Japan has a national pillow fighting championship and the contestants span from age 9 - 75. We learn about the plogging movement from a listener who started doing it on her own before she even realized it was a thing people were doing in Sweden and the impact it can have on the environment as well as your work out. Raves are rounded out with the story of a 90 year old retired veterinarian who makes wheel chairs for disabled animals.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Episode 18: Pleased to "See"-at You
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
A surprise package from a listener arrives to help Jessica tame the beast that is her hair. Jessica wants to know why does one person take up an entire large table at a cafe leaving you and your friends with nowhere to sit? Hear some techniques of how to deal with that through our rant of rudeness which spills into movie theaters that are half empty and the people who sit down right next to you. Dana's rant is about remembering but she appropriately couldn't remember what her rant was at first. Jessica gets a glimpse of herself in the future when Dana imitates her mother in law telling a story with 10 side stories that make her unable to get to the original point. Mr. Young Corner returns with some recorded voice messages from Jessica's dad. Hear how Dana was a Highlander in high school, an all female drum corps complete with a baton twirler and Majorette. That Sucks! Corner involves a food display mistakenly being given to a customer instead of the real food she ordered. Raves this week include Best Buddies International and Stella's Wish Foundation.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Episode 17: You Say Tomato, I Say Toh-mah-to
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Jessica and Dana discuss the magic of adult sleep away camp and their experiences at Camp Improv Utopia, a non profit who gives money back to arts communities in need while providing a creative, safe and inclusive environment for performers from around the world through a weekend of camping, activities and master classes. How did Dana swing a private boat tour while teaching on the east coast? Dana hates abbreviations, so why does she refer to them as abreevs? Jessica shares some of her arts and crafts creations, or as she loves to tell Dana "A's and C's." Dana shares her intense disdain for tomatoes, whereas Jessica can't get enough of them. Weird food combinations and food of the 80's stir up quite a tizzy in these two. Jessica wants to know why strangers sometimes can't take a social cue when entering an important conversation that has nothing to do with them. The ladies introduce "Accent Corner" as they take a stab at Jamaican phrases from a book recently given to Jessica. You think Dana goes nuts that Jessica remembers the Weirdo of the Week song? Wait until you hear her sing all 50 states in alphabetical order. Shame on You Corner leads us to highlight the hero and not the charlatan. How would you feel if a burglar broke in and deep cleaned your home, Dana and Jessica would be fine with it. Raves this week include "Unseen Art," bringing a 3D version of masterpiece art work to the blind. Thanks to a listener for sharing 4Ocean, a group responsible for removing millions of pounds of trash from the ocean through the sale of their recycled material bracelets.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Episode 16: Heart and Soul, Returns No More
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Dana shares her amazing experience as a featured guest of Vision Con and the wonderful people she met throughout the weekend that deeply touched her and her family in many ways. The ladies discuss what really matters in the world of entertainment and making real human connections. Find out what a MOJO tasting is, Dana knows! Jessica reads a listener's rant regarding people returning perishable food and they share some return stories of their own retail experiences. What did Dana do to a customer's clothes? What did Jessica fling back onto customer once she pulled it out of the bag? Dana has strong feelings about a rant from a listener regarding text etiquette. Oops My Bad! Corner is something Jessica and Dana both agree to doing. A new Corrections Corner comes to us courtesy of two different listeners, and they're both for Jessica. Raves this week: Sesame Street's newest character Karli, a new muppet in foster care. Fire and Soul, a company with a story that moved Dana beyond words, who is "spreading the light, one candle at a time."

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Episode 15: Line Up, Cut Up, Stand Up
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
In this episode, Dana and Jessica ask 'Why does popularity ruin everything? Dana tells us how fun the live music and bar is at a grocery store during happy hour and drank the quinoa vodka to prove it. A misunderstanding over where to wait in line has Dana fuming and Jessica finally decides to call some people out for line cutting at a tiki bar. Dana calls Jessica a genius thanks to her extensive knowledge of senseless trivia. Find out what Dana forgot to take off before she went into an audition. Jessica has some strong opinions about who should and shouldn't perform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions. Dana can't even deal with the let down of Taylor Swift's big reveal after a year of teasers. Listeners are introduced to "Do Ya Do It?" Corner as Dana and Jessica share the ASMR and time lapsed food videos that really satisfy. Dana claims she's "allergic to Cajun" when Jessica tries to get her to try a vegan Cajun restaurant. This week's raves include Mauria Stonestreet and her work with Building Hope for Autism and Kheris Rogers, who at 10 years old turned getting teased into a movement inspired by her grandmother's phrase Flexin' in Your Complexion, that landed her at NY Fashion week.
Building Hope For Autism-https://www.facebook.com/buildinghopeforautism/

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode 14: Shake it Off, "Cart"e Blanche
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Dana talks about the healing power of not being so hard on yourself and the joy of receiving a positive message at the right time while Jessica drinks her overachieving water. Jessica loses her mind over people tapping and shaking their foot in public or filming something where cameras were prohibited and how she passive aggressively addressed that at a Paula Cole concert. Dana and Jessica continue to slip British vernacular into their everyday speech and their favorite word seems to be bloody. Water fountains, yay or nay? The ladies have strong opinions on this subject. Don't even think about not putting your cart back in a parking lot or Dana will unleash the Kraken on you. A new "How To" corner is introduced as they discuss gracefully accepting compliments and not being scared to ask for or accept help when needed. The ladies discuss how sometimes we can become numb to tragedy but sob at joyous moments. We learn that you should never give Dana or Jessica your Tupperware to take home leftovers as you never see it again. Raves include photographer Kate T. Parker and her books which highlight the best of girls and boys in modern time and Pearl's Memory Babies who bring dolls and stuffed animals to Alzheimer's patients to evoke the memories of being a parent to a child or pet.

Thursday May 16, 2019
Episode 13: Bee-have and Plan Ahead
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Dana and Jessica compare their Easter and Passover experiences and bust into melodies from singing The Four Questions to songs about Jesus. Who will help with with Jessica's hair halo, Deva Curl or Queen Bey? A rant from a listener sets off a discussion about why people question others decisions regarding food and drink and how Dana wrote a sketch about that very subject. Find out why Dana's dad told her repeatedly to "just drop it Dana" in regards to why her Mom is picky about bananas. Another rant from a listener involving adult scheduling leads us to a downward spiral of comparing stories of showing up to events the week before or after the occasion. Hear about the amazing world of service dogs for children in school and how they help save and improve their quality of life. What did Dana need removed from her house that prompted her to contact the guys from Dirty Jobs? Why is Dana so incensed when Jessica sings the song for Weirdo of the Week that Dana insisted she create on the spot? Raves include Morgan Freeman's Honey Bee Sanctuary and Hamlet for the Homeless - a non profit serving homeless runaway youth utilizing the study, rehearsal and presentation of Shakespeare as gateways to rehabilitation and stabilization through theater. Shout outs to Michael Reese of Young Story Tellers, The Red Door Playhouse in Atlanta Georgia, and the embroidered stylings of Sweet Salty Stiches.

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Episode 12: GOT Lyft?
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Jessica is the only person who has never seen Game of Thrones and meanwhile, Dana posted on social media wishing people Happy GOT day to those who celebrate. Thanks to a listener, we rant and wonder about why people have shared social media and email accounts with their significant others. Perhaps they should share a toilet seat too. Dana tries her best in life, but seems to strike out hard when it comes to taking Lyft What is wrong with Jessica and Dana that they can't keep a debit card in their wallet instead of in their "pocket." The ladies want to know why people can't pronounce very common words properly. Dana is obsessed with the instagram page @historycoolkids and after hearing her tell the story of Peter Freuchen, we now know why. Jessica tells Dana what she has learned about survival from Bear Grylls, but Dana isn't worried since she will have a 10 gallon bucket of mac 'n cheese with a 100 year shelf life when the zombie apocalypse happens. Why hasn't Dana seen the 'Shape of Water'?! Raves this week include an airborne animal rescue and a podcast you won't want want to miss sharing a friend's journey of trying to get pregnant via a donor.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Episode 11: Six Degrees of Separation - From Shelton to Stallone
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Episode 10: Meat me in Philly, Meatloaf me in LA
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
After visiting Philadelphia for the first time, Jessica deems it the most underrated city in America and has the Cheesesteak photos to prove it. Dana demands Jessica define "mow down" and reveals that a chicken bone was once found in her little sister's pocket. Living the Life of Riley, who is Riley!? Why did Dana think Jessica had a secret wedding she wasn't invited to? The ladies paint a picture of what their Coming Out Debutante Balls would look like now. Go down the rabbit hole with Dana as she recounts losing her purse at a Blake Shelton concert and how Candace Brown tracked it down. New airport encounters with Jessica leave us wondering why her shoes were mopped in a bathroom. It gets nostalgic when Dana and Jessica bust into Meatloaf's hit album of the '90's and then weird as hell when one of them says he was hot. Unsolicited pics sent by men and what you can send them back in return. Oh Wow!'s include a heartwarming story and a complete idiot. We Love This Corner shouts out to listeners messages and suggestions. Dana has lived in California far too long to have thought Costa Mesa was in Mexico. Raves this week include: getting out of your comfort zone and getting to know new people and Peach's Neet Feet, part of the amazing Hustle Kindness and Young at Art. The mission of Peach's Neet Feet is to provide tangible ways to be compassionate and inspire others to engage in acts of kindness.