Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Episode 115: Getting To The Bottom Of It
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
The gals are back together after a brief summer vacation and they are raring to go. Jessica tries to get to the "bottom" of a listener rant and Dana is only making things grosser. A long time listener got to Dana's heartstrings with her willingness to rescue another animal when her coworker is ready to return it like merchandise. Animal Instincts Corner is slithering itself all over places it doesn't belong and without consent. What the What Corner is a bloody delicious and nutritious treat, only to be found in Europe. Rave #1 is the Center for Reproductive Rights, who uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world. Rave #2 is Prosperity Candles, a company that supports refugees and artisans through candle making and beautifully crafted vessels.
Center for Reproductive Rights - https://reproductiverights.org/
Prosperity Candles - https://www.prosperitycandle.com/

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Episode 114: Hairy and Hot, Chocolate Tops
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Things get hairy when Jessica and Dana discuss the importance of hair care and treating yourself to a new do, and the etiquette people often lack with their stylists. Dana is hot and bothered after a repair man left her hanging in the sweltering valley heat and caused her to cancel the day's plans. Jessica is trying her best to be a smooth operator when people are unnecessarily rude when receiving a call from a non profit or arts organization. What the What Corner is the latest person to claim they captured Bigfoot on film. Weirdo of the Week Corner is a man who made a bomb threat after not receiving the condiments he wanted from a fast food chain. Rave #1 is Corn Fed Threads, a father and son duo fighting for a progressive, non racist society one cheeky t-shirt at a time. Rave #2 is Chocolate and Steel, a handmade in Los Angeles jewelry company whose business walks the walk and actively works towards contributing to a healthy environment, supporting local economy and making the world a better place.
Corn Fed Threads - https://www.cornfedthreads.com/
Chocolate and Steel - https://chocolateandsteel.com/

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Episode 113: Don't Be Late, Keep Your Mouth Shut
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
For once, Jessica has had way more caffeine than Dana and the episode has just started. Late fees charged for finance fee payments puts Jessica in a tailspin and Dana has had it with men cat calling when you are just trying to run in and out of store. I Caaaaan't Corner is a micro studio available for rent in an unexpected part of the house. What the What Corner is people who are using a household cleaning product on their teeth. Rave #1 is Final, a company on a mission to eliminate single use plastic, especially plastic straws, and their partnership with 1% for the Planet. Rave #2 is Remade India, hand stitched blankets using recycled saris, while empowering the artisans through sustainable respectable work, fair income and benefits, and education and training.
Final - https://final.co/
Remade India - https://www.remadeindia.com/

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Episode 112: Sharks, Paté and Bras
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Jessica is living it up in the hotels of San Diego and Dana currently thinks everyday is Friday. When people sneeze and don't cover themselves properly it sends Dana over the edge. People who try to charge full price for a job poorly done make Jessica furious. Golden Oldies meets Excuse Me Corner when some parents mistake cat food with a gourmet delicacy. Rave #1 is Ethique, a company who puts environmental impact first, and donates 20% of their profits to conservation, animal welfare and environmental groups. Rave #2 is The Bra Recyclers, a clothing recycling company that has donated millions of bras to women and girls around the world who are in need or escaping abuse or sex trafficking.
Ethique - https://ethique.com/
The Bra Recyclers - https://www.brarecycling.com/

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Episode 111: Kittens and Krispies
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Dana and Jessica are devastated to learn that their younger friends have no idea who they are referencing at least half of the time. A listener rant about the importance of spaying/neutering pets is spot on and highlights those who foster until rescue cats and dogs are placed in their forever home. Also from a listener comes the uncomfortable silence turned loud that is blown up when people don't speak up about a problem with a friend or loved one when the issue occurs. Excuse Me Corner is a prison guard who gets caught sticky handed when trying to smuggle drugs into sweet treats when checking in at work. Kids Are Amazing Corner is Adhara Pérez Sànchez, a 9 year old girl from Mexico with an IQ higher than Einstein and Hawking. Rave #1 is Clean the World Foundation, an organization taking an active role in the UN Sustainable Development Goals for universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Rave #2 is New Alternatives who are dedicated to the care and well being of NYC's LGBTQ+ youth population while they face poverty and homelessness, providing the support, tools and resources for them to thrive.
Clean the World Foundation - https://cleantheworldfoundation.org/
New Alternatives - https://www.newalternativesnyc.org/

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Episode 110: Doctors Feelgood and Doolittle
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Dana's neighbor's rooster has been replaced with Jessica's neighbors and their gardeners. D and J organically achieved rants that were not on the outline this week. Dana went from a long term doctor to a new one and had good reasons for doing so. Jessica is ready to pull her hair out after 7 consecutive hours of listening to a chainsaw. Animal Instincts Corner is a real life Jonah and the Whale and he lived to tell the story. What the What Corner is a British Mum who uses snow as a way to keep frugal. Rave #1 is Miles of Fosters on Instagram and Nuzzles and Co in Park City Utah, an amazing foster ranch that takes care of their animals to the fullest extent. Rave #2 is Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehab and re-entry program in the world.
Nuzzles and Co - https://nuzzlesandco.org/
Homeboy Industries - https://homeboyindustries.org/

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 109: Stop, Hop, Volcano Open Up Shop
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
A trip home for Dana got off to a weird start when a hotel stop for the night went awry with the person working the front desk. Jessica wants to know why anyone would want to sit right next to her when there are tons of other places to sit. Weirdo of the Week is Froggytown, a taxidermied museum making its way to the U.S. from Croatia. What the What Corner is a Guatemalan chef making pizza on lava flowing from an active volcano. Rave #1 is Smile Train, a 501c3 non profit with a sustainable and local model of supporting surgery and other forms of essential care for children born with a cleft. Rave #2 is Nourish the Neighborhood, a collaboration between La Colombe Coffee and Feeding America. Every bag of beans sold provides $2 to Feeding America.
Smile Train - https://www.smiletrain.org/
Nourish The Neighborhood - https://blog.lacolombe.com/2021/06/08/lyon-nourish-the-neighborhood/

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Episode 108: Pumpkin Slop Helicopter Chop
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Dana calls Jessica out for another rave hidden within a rant. A foodie facial has Jessica yearning for silence while receiving beautification treatments. Dana wants to have a talk with the people responsible for subtitles on television and ask them what their problem is. Why Bother Corner is a man who returned a record decades after he checked it out from the library. Dumb-da-dum-dum-dumb Corner is a criminal caught by his own fingerprints on a wedge of cheese thanks to him posting a picture online. Rave #1 is Magpies and Peacocks, the nation's only 501c3 non profit design house dedicated to the collection and sustainable reuse of post consumer clothing and scrap textiles diverted from a landfill. Rave #2 is Free Mom Hugs, an Oklahoma women's movement to support and provide eponymous free mom hugs at Pride events all over the country, to give comfort and love to those in the LGBTQ+ community.
Magpies and Peacocks - www.magpiesandpeacocks.org
Free Mom Hugs - www.freemomhugs.org

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Episode 107: Fingers And Toes, Sleeveless Woes
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Dana and Jessica learn that they are both equally scared by their own husbands prowling around in silence around their homes. Dana is having pangs of Mani pedi envy while Jessica is furious that she accidentally bought a sleeveless t-shirt. Weirdo of the week is a chicken nugget that went for thousands of dollars thanks to its shape. Where Are They Now Corner is strike two for the MP from Quebec zooming through life unawares of his computer's camera. Rave #1 is the LA Fire Dept. Foundation, a group who sells t-shirts to raise money for the underfunded needs of LAFD from training to technology. Rave #2 is the surprise add ons to a single item purchase from Ebay and the sellers reason for sending them.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 106: Let Me Tell You 'Bout The Buche and the Bees
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Dana and Jessica had very different experiences when it came to sex and puberty education as children. Don't even think about asking Jessica for the same info twice, because she ain't gonna give it to ya. Dana thinks donut holes are an amuse buche and not a meal. Kids Are Amazing Corner features Birdie Phillips, daughter of Busy, who began collecting make up and personal care products her mom and her friends were getting as giveaways and donating them to the LA LGBTQ+ Center for the youth who frequent the center. Excuuuuuse Me Corner is a horrifying account of a deep fried towel served in place of chicken and being served by a peculiarly jolly bee. Rave #1 is Laughter For A Change, a 501c3 non profit fostering a safe environment for creativity and imagination to thrive through the craft of improvisational theater. Rave #2 is Camp Corral, a national non profit organization whose mission is to transform the lives of children of this nation's wounded, ill and fallen military heroes.
Laughter For A Change - https://www.laughterforachange.org/
Camp Corral - https://www.campcorral.org/