Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Ep 186: Hooks & The ”Filthy” Lope
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
This week Jess and Dana discuss the baffling mystery of bathrooms that lack purse hooks, leaving us to wrestle with our bags in germ-infested restrooms! And that's not all, Dana goes on a late night rampage against the word 'lope,' claiming it sounds like a "dirty dopey" that she just can't stand! Important stuff here, people!!
Jess Corner - Weirdo of the Week
Anonymous Artist ‘Wanksy’ Draws Penises On UK Potholes To Make Government Fix Them
Dana Corner - Golden Oldies
California Community Hosts Adorable Dog Parade for Animal-Loving Neighbor's 100th Birthday
Dr. Robert Moore, a 100-year-old dog lover, received heartwarming tributes from family and friends: "My father, he was so touched," Moore's daughter said
Dr. Robert Moore, a retired San Jose State University dean, had a birthday celebration fit for a dog lover.
Jess Rave - Purrrfect Pals
Finding acceptable foster care for semi-feral and extremely shy cats and kittens needing socialization and human contact can be challenging for Purrfect Pals. The amazing partnership between Purrfect Pals and MCC has made this wonderful program possible. Countless kittens, that might otherwise have been euthanized, have all been altered and adopted. Purrfect Pals pays for all the costs related to the program such as food, litter, crates and veterinarian care.
Dana Rave - Seed Your Future
We envision a U.S. where: Everyone understands and values the importance of plants and the people who work in the art, science, technology, and business of horticulture.
There has been a decline in interest in plants and in pursuing careers in horticulture. The average U.S. citizen can identify more than 1,000 brands and logos, but fewer than 10 local plants. Most schools stop teaching plant-based concepts in the third grade.
ZERO middle-schoolers in our focus groups across the country said they have heard the word "horticulture."

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Ep 185: Decibel Dilemas?? Yasss.
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
This week we tackle two topics that might make you say, "Can you believe it?!" First up: salon phone chatter gone bonkers! Folks are yapping louder than hair dryers out there while Dana’s trying to make this shampoo count as a massage. And then, brace yourself for Jess Rant's feisty crusade against animal-shaped yoga sets. Cement, plaster, resin – she's not having any of it!
Dana Corner - Weirdo of the Week
Hundreds of divers and snorkelers listened to an underwater concert that advocated coral reef protection Saturday in the Florida Keys.
Jess Corner - Oh Snap! Yaaaaaas Queen
July 11 (UPI) -- A Portland, Ore., venue is attempting to set a Guinness World Record by holding a drag show that lasts for a full 48 hours.
The Drag-a-thon features more than 60 drag queens and drag kings, including RuPaul's Drag Race alums Eureka O'Hara, Lala Ri and Peppermint. Other celebrities slated to make appearances include Busy Philipps, Cheryl Strayed, Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein.
The event, co-hosted by Portland fashion boutique Wildfang, is also aiming to raise $250,000 for the Trevor Project, a nonprofit supporting LGBTQ+ youth
Dana Rave - Kids Gardening Grants
GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant
The GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant, brought to you by The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation and KidsGardening. The Grassroots Grants are part of The Scotts Miracle-Gro’s larger GroMoreGood initiative, which will bring the life-enhancing benefits of gardens and greenspaces to 10 million children by the end of 2023.
Submissions are accepted in January each year with a deadline in February. Start planning now to have your submission ready if this is something needed that you could apply for in your community.
Jess Rave - Suay LA
Suay is a Los Angeles based 100% vertical sewing and production shop founded in 2017. Pioneering the clean up economy, Suay products are created from a combination of post-consumer waste, deadstock and domestically, organically grown fibers. Suay remains determined to create a culture of community and reuse. Their dedication to design, coupled with a drive for activism, is putting reclaimed products at the center of a social, economic and environmental revolution.
Community Dye Baths
Textile Recycling

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Ep 184: Artisanal Sinks, Chicken Bones, & a 5K
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Alrighty, grab a glass of wine, your fuzzy socks, or pull over with a coffee, and join your besties for some Ranting and Raving!! This week Dana and Jess talk sink fiascos, fake apologies are topping the charts. Tune in to join the laughter and the call for sanity in sink design and heartfelt apologies.
Jess Corner - Ummmmm, What?
A New Zealand woman who had a small chicken bone lodged in her throat claims that she was prescribed an interesting remedy by an emergency room doctor – lots of Coke.
Dana Corner - What the What!?
A Chinese manufacturing company has come under fire for allegedly firing employees who can’t finish a 5 km (3 miles) race in 30 minutes, because ‘they lack hard-working spirit’.
Jess Rave - Start Lighthouse
Founded in Bronx, NY, Start Lighthouse is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to advancing childhood literacy through a social justice lens. Childhood illiteracy is an everyone, everywhere problem. This is especially the case in the Bronx, where 70% of students do not read proficiently. The biggest barrier to literacy in the Bronx is access to books.
Dana Rave - Sea Trees
SeaTrees is a program of the 501c3 non-profit Sustainable Surf that plants, protects, and restores blue carbon coastal ecosystems around the world to reverse climate change. We develop coastal restoration projects, also known as blue carbon projects, across five ecosystem types: mangrove forests, kelp forests, seagrass meadows, coral reefs, and coastal watersheds.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Ep 183: Late Nights & Drive Thru Fights
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
We’ve got some good ones this week!! First up, the proud night owl who is tired of being pooped on by the early bird enthusiasts. Get ready as the ladies dismantle the stereotypes, revealing that night owls work just as hard, have their lives together (mostly), and are surprisingly healthy, despite their nocturnal habits. But wait, there's more! We also have a determined drive-thru detective on a mission to call out those folks who simply can't be bothered to pull up far enough, leaving a frustrating gap. Come laugh with your girlfriends, that’s us!! We can laugh until we snort fries out of our nose!
Dana Corner - What the What!
Jess Corner - Excuuuuuuse Me?
Dana Rave - Big Sunday
We see the world not as "haves-and-have-nots" but as "haves-and-have-mores." Everyone has some way that they can help somebody else. Everyone has some time that they need help. And we all have to look out for one another.
You see, at Big Sunday, we feel there’s lots of work to be done – but we get so much more accomplished, and have so much more fun, when we do it all together.
Jess Rave - Sleep in Heavenly Peace
We fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. When it was brought to our attention that the need for beds went far beyond our own neighborhoods, we stepped up and took initiative. We’re a national organization answering the call to a national problem.
That’s where Sleep in Heavenly Peace comes in. We’re a group of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need. Our organization has grown steadily over time, and we’re working on opening more chapters in

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Ep 182: Ooops!...You Did It Again
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Welcome to "The Rants and Raves Podcast"! Buckle up as we tackle the nerve-racking trash collection at 4 am that jolts us awake, the obnoxious early morning gardening that turns our tranquil mornings into noisy chaos, and the workplace door slammers who defy all logic. Hang out with us while you do the dishes or some other mundane task. Or, pour a glass of wine and hang out with your silly besties. We can unleash our frustrations, find humor in life's little quirks, and let off some steam. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of rants and raves that will make you feel heard and understood. Welcome to "The Rants and Raves Podcast," where we say ‘Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf@$&*}s!
Jess Corner - What the What Corner
Bling Bling Bling went the teeth grill
Dana Corner - Oh WOW Corner
You are NOT the father, but.....
Jess Rave - https://www.brushmable.com/
On top of helping to solve our plastic crisis, MABLE donates a toothbrush to a child in America for every toothbrush sold. Unlike other companies that give back, however, MABLE takes it a step further by going into schools to teach kids about making sustainable decisions and maintaining proper personal hygiene.
Dana Rave - https://www.allbirds.com/
In addition to fostering environmentally friendly practices in the shoe-making process, Allbirds donates its gently used shoes to Soles4Souls, a nonprofit that gives shoes to those who need them most and helps micro-entrepreneurs provide for their families. In turn, this helps to keep the items out of the landfills and empowers individuals to rise out of poverty by selling the gently used shoes.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Ep 181: The Late Night Edition*
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
It's Late Night in this episode and that is clear very quickly!
According to one listener rant ‘Crop tops for men need a comeback!’ From the Isley Brothers rocking them in the 70s to the cool vibes of the 90s, it's time to free the male belly button from fabric shackles and let the hoochie daddies roam free in style. We support the movement but Dana just asks to keep that belly button clean! And as for Oreos, while they may be addictive and delicious, Jessica is quick to tell us why they are not so great for you. So, let's embrace fashion equality and enjoy treats in moderation for a well-rounded life!
Dana Corner - Weirdo of the Week
Woman marries virtual AI husband
Jess Corner - WHAT THE WHAT Crocodile self impregnates in a Costa Rica Zoo
Dana Rave - SAGE
Why you should donate rn: One segment of the LGBTQ+ community that often goes overlooked is LGBTQ+ older people, who may not be the people dancing on the floats in Pride parades. SAGE, based in New York, wants to change that. As the largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of elderly LGBTQ+ people and their caregivers, SAGE helps advocate for the community on federal, state, and local levels. Donations help members work with legislators to inform them on LGBTQ+ aging issues in the hopes of changing policies and create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ older people to come together and feel welcome.
If you don’t have a ton of extra $$$ to throw around, SAGE also asks for your support in the form of calling up your senators and telling them that you stand by the Equality Act.
Jess Rave - The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
Turning volunteers into life-saving crisis counselors.
Crisis counselors are trained to answer calls, chats, or texts from LGBTQ young people who reach out on our free, confidential and secure 24/7 service when theyare struggling with issues such as coming out, LGBTQ identity, depression, and suicide.uture counselors are chosen based on their dedication and commitment to the work. You do not need a driver’s license to become a counselor, but there are a few requirements.
Volunteers go through a comprehensive training program on trauma and LGBTQ competency that exceeds that of similar organizations.
Ability to make a one-year minimum commitment, with one three-hour shift per week
Pass a background check.
Have access to a personal computer, and private space.
Resource Center - Sexual Orientation, Talking about Suicide, Mental Health, Community, Gender Identity

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Ep 180: Weddings, Wonders, and Justice Pursuits!
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
This Rant deserved to be fully shown in the show notes!! 'The bridesmaid commitment (from Happy Valley) ‘I was a bridesmaid last summer and I had NO IDEA how much time and money goes into that shit. I'm talking dress, shoes, bridal shower,bachelorette party, snacks and alcohol to get through it all! And now I'm the maid of honor in a wedding this fall, you mean I not only have to pay, but PLAN this??!! Dana Rant - (from Happy Valley) People who run shirtless outside. Does it help you fight your demons faster or more directly??'
And, someone really wants to free the male belly button. We aren’t against it, just keep it clean folks, keep it clean!!!
Jess Corner - Ummmmmm NO
Man who tries to smuggle roasted eel into the US faces up to 21 years in prison
Dana Corner - Animal Instincts Corner from a listener
Jess Rave - Lambda Legal
Why you should donate rn: Lambda Legal has been in courtrooms fighting to protect the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and everyone living with HIV for over 50 years. The organization’s team of pro-bono lawyers uses their knowledge of the law to fight for what's right, and have won many high-profile, precedent-setting civil rights cases spanning from marriage equality to fair employment and gender identity. In addition to litigation, they also use their legal power to help push forward public policy and education campaigns. Because Lambda Legal never charges clients for their legal work, and they don’t take government funding, they rely on donations to keep the lights on and change a-comin'.
Dana Rave - Conscious Step www.conciousstep.com
-Look at Shop by Cause

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Ep 179: Invisible, Cheesy, and Surgically Absurd
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
In a world where customer service seems to be a thing of the past, one person dares to speak up. Join us as a listener recounts their frustrating encounter at a local establishment, where they find themselves invisible and ignored. The ladies turn that into about 3 other Rants and spin off track as usual!! Thank goodness for that cleansing breath!!!
Dana Corner - Excuuuuuuuse Me??!!
German Surgeon Fired After Asking Hospital Cleaner To Assist Amputation
Jess Corner - Weirdo of the Week
UPI - Ben Hooper
Woman wins annual cheese-rolling race while unconscious.
Dana Rave - LA Parks Foundation
Parks are an essential component of what constitutes a great city. The Los Angeles Parks Foundation’s mission is to enhance, expand, preserve, and promote public recreation, parks, and open space for the diverse people of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Parks Foundation raises funds for projects and programs of all sizes throughout our city parks. Whether it’s building a state-of-the-art archery range or placing donated benches beneath shady trees, the LA Parks Foundation continues to expand its role with private funding to support our city parks. Our signature initiatives include our Los Angeles Park Forests, Adopt-A-Park, Friends of the Parks, and Donate-A-Bench programs.
Jess Rave -Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation HOBY
To inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Ep 178: House Regrets & Dating Roulette
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Today, we've got a juicy combo for you: nightmare DIY renovations and the struggle to find authenticity in the dating world. Picture this: moving into a new condo only to find baseboards missing, floorboards not reaching the wall, and random objects super glued together. Oh, and let's not forget the surprise hole above the fridge cleverly hidden by a decorative item. Talk about a disaster! On top of that, we'll dive into the dating scene where it feels like everyone's trying to sell you a curated version of themselves. Authenticity? It's like finding a needle in a haystack. So, grab a cup of coffee and join us!! Stay tuned, it's always a wild ride! You never know what these two will say!!
Jess Corner - Animal Instincts
Philly's 'Chicken Man' declines PETA's vegan challenge after a 40-day rotisserie chicken binge
South Philadelphia resident Alexander Tominsky was dubbed the "Chicken Man" after successfully eating an entire rotisserie chicken every day for 40 days straight.
Since concluding his chicken run, Tominsky, 31, has begun spotlighting organizations that help provide food for those in need. On Wednesday, he promoted the South Philly Community Fridge on Twitter, asking his followers to donate to combat food insecurity.
The South Philly Community Fridge later tweeted it had raised $858 that day.
Dana Corner - What the What?
For teddy bears and all other stuffed toys in Pennsylvania, it’s not easy being green. In fact, it’s impossible. Under a 62-year-old law, all stuffed toys distributed and sold in this state are required to be made from new material. But now a state senator is looking to lift a restriction that hamstrings manufacturers and retailers in the toy business.
“It is a pretty obscure law and people say ‘wait, what? We have a stuffed toy law?’ In fact, we do,” he said “Obviously in 1961, they did not particularly contemplate people using recycled materials in stuffed toys.” But given that recycled material goes through the same extensive testing and safety review to ensure it meets all of the current industry standards that new materials do and couple that with people’s desire to be environmentally conscious, he said it may well be time to update the law as the Toy Association has requested. Hickcox said her association would like to see this law updated by the end of this year. “Toy association members want to be good stewards of the environment while following all state laws and regulations,” Hickcox said. “This update will allow manufacturers and retailers to ensure a global supply chain while producing safe, sustainable stuffed toys.”
Jess Rave - Used bookstores/record shops
Webster's of State College PA Vintage Shop, dirt cheap books, great albums, cafe, live music, vegan brunch on Sundays
Dana Rave - Dunkin' Iced Coffee Day is today May 23! We saw a sign hanging in the Dunkin' of State College and it said Get a cup of Good Karma, $1 from every iced coffee sold today helps kids in local hospitals.
Founded in 2006, the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation is an independent 501(c)3 organization powered by Dunkin’ and the generosity of our franchisees, partners, employees and guests. Our mission is to provide the simple joys of childhood to kids battling hunger or illness.
We believe impact is felt most at the local level. Thanks to franchisees and brand employees who volunteer their time to identify the biggest needs in their communities; organize local fundraising and volunteer events; and conduct local grantmaking, we are able to maximize our impact for kids who need joy the most.
The Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood provides grants to hundreds of nonprofits – big and small – making a difference in the lives of kids battling hunger or illness across the country. Organizations include food pantries, children’s hospitals, camps and programs designed to provide joy to those who need it most.
Through the Dogs for Joy program, the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation awards grants to children’s hospitals to launch a new in-residence dog program or expand an existing program. In-residence dogs are trained service dogs and full-time employees of the hospital who bring comfort and joy to patients and their families.
Hospitalized teens sometimes miss out on milestone moments. The Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation provides grants to hospitals to provide a teen prom experience to pediatric patients ages 13-19 – from venue, to decor, signage, food and beverage, and more.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Ep 177: Echoes, Wizards, and Wild Adventures
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
In this episode, we tackle two listener rants that will have you seeing red. A listener vents about the frustration of people who refuse to use headphones during virtual meetings, focusing on the infamous ‘Nancy’. We all know one. Next up a listener shares her exasperation at not receiving recognition for her spreadsheet prowess, as two supposed "spreadsheet wizards" steal the spotlight?? Excuuuuse me?
Dana Corner - Oh Wow!!! Wine Me, Dine Me, Please Come Find Me!
Jess Corner - Golden Oldies
Dana Rave - from a listener - Bec from Bloom with Bec
http://www.seaglassstraws.com - family owned, locally made here in NC, biz that makes these gorgeous glass straws made out of recycled sea glass. (You can get them custom etched. I'm planning on getting pink ones etched with BLOOM to sell and give out!!) They also give 10% of sales to Ocean Conservancy
Jess Rave - from a listener - Bec from Bloom with Bec
https://bitchstix.com/ - lip balms that give back to organizations that support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault.