Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Episode 135: Stomp, Drop and Roll
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
This week we learn why Jessica thought Stomp the Musical was in town and performing on her roof. Dana shares the annoyance of stickers that were not meant to stick around for the long haul. Animal Instincts Corner is a Hitchcockian nightmare involving a murder of birds, quite literally. What the What Corner furthers Dana's love and insistence that ghosts are real. Rave #1 is Dreaming Zebra, a 501c3 non profit encouraging children to embrace their individuality, to express themselves creatively, and follow their artistic dreams. Rave #2 is The Asher House, a non profit animal rescue and sanctuary in Oregon that rescues animals that have been discarded or unwanted, providing them a life of comfort, love and adventure.
Dreaming Zebra - https://dreamingzebra.org/
The Asher House - https://www.theasherhouse.com/

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Episode 134: Rise Up. Shine Through. We See You.
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Disney and internet advertising have Jessica and Dana ranting their hearts out- for body diversity and female empowerment- this week!!!
Dana's corner this weeks has her disagreeing with Jessica on the label. Weirdo of the Week? BUT MAYBE GHOSTS ARE REAL???? They also investigate yet another crime against art, with less than stellar upgrades, made by a security guard.
Henry Street Settlement’s mission is to open doors of opportunity for Lower East Side residents and other New Yorkers through social services, arts, and health care programs. The organization is distinguished by its commitment to listening to and learning from our neighbors—and then acting to meet the most pressing needs of our community.
To meet those needs, we offer more than 50 programs to people of all ages through our Abrons Arts Center/Visual and Performing Arts, Employment, Education, Sports & Recreation, Senior Services, Health & Wellness, and Transitional & Supportive Housing divisions. These vast programs range from preschool to Meals on Wheels delivery, job-readiness training to mental health counseling, and supportive housing to theater performances. We encourage you to visit our program pages to learn more.
In all we do, we’re guided by the blueprint left by our trailblazing founder, Lillian Wald, who believed:
Each of us is whole and worthy.
Poverty is a social issue (not an individual failing)
There is power in bridging differences.
Neighbors matter.
In times of need, act.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Episode 133: Joke Makers and Life Savers
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Jessica is drowning her plants while Dana is creating all of the accessories she desires to go with her botanical collection. Want to piss Jessica off? Give her anything scented with cedar. Dana has had it with comments from the peanut gallery and wonders why people can't keep their negative thoughts to themselves. See Something Say Something Corner is a woman who made a call to 911 which saved 3 peoples' lives. What the What Corner is the luckiest garage sale purchase you could dream of. Rave #1 is Birdie, a personal safety alarm made for women by women with a high pitched alarm and flashing strobe light to deter an attack. Rave # 2 is Girls that Invest, an investing education podcast for women based in New Zealand.
Birdie - www.shesbirdie.com
Girls That Invest - www.girlsthatinvest.com

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
No way, Rosé: w/ Special Guest Mrs. Jessica ’Doubtfire’ Young
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
In this week's episode Jessica and Dana reveal too much about their own appearance, hygiene, and pandemic habits. They aren't proud, just resigned.
Corners this week have us in awe of a middle school student who saved two lives in one day, but wondering if it's ethically appropriate to train a murder of crows to clean up after humans. It has also become very clear that Jessica and Dana don't know how to stop talking and end the podcast. Side note, Jessica is obsessed with the movie 'Mrs. Doubtfire'.
'It holds up.' - Jessica Young
Our coastal ecosystems are incredibly efficient at removing harmful amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and can store it for thousands of years, making these areas key in the fight against climate change.
“If we are to address climate change, it is imperative that we not only reduce emissions globally. We also have to conserve and restore the natural ecosystems that help us sequester carbon and adapt to climate change. In the case of mangroves, these ecosystems protect shorelines against rising seas levels and dangerous chubasco storm surges as well as sequester carbon,” says Frausto.
With the support of SeaTrees, WILDCOAST is working with women in Laguna San Ignacio to plant 40,000 mangroves over 25 acres of tidal zones, creating a habitat suitable for fish, shellfish, wildlife, and adapting to and mitigating climate change. Through legal protection and management, WILDCOAST has helped to conserve 38,336 acres of mangrove forests that store 3.5 million tons of carbon, equivalent to the emissions of 2.8 million cars driven in one year. As Frausto points out, it’s a natural solution to tackling climate change — a piece of the puzzle we can all put together now before it’s too late.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Episode 131: The Heat Is On
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Dana and Jessica discover they both know where to get the best pancakes in LA's own Shangri-La. Don't even think about turning on a heater around Jessica or walking in on Dana in a public bathroom stall. Excuse Me Corner has a tiny shopper creating a big surprise for his parents. Weirdo of the Week is a hairy situation and Jessica is threatening to file a lawsuit for something that isn't a crime in the eyes of the law. Rave #1 is the John Brockington Foundation, whose mission is to create a culture in which organ donation is commonplace; to provide financial and resource support for those donating, awaiting, and/or receiving organs; and to promote health education to minority communities who are disproportionately represented on the transplant waiting list. Rave #2 is Reach out and Read, a national nonprofit that champions the positive effects of reading daily and engaging in other language-rich activities with young children.
John Brockington Foundation - http://www.johnbrockingtonfoundation.org/
Reach Out And Read - https://reachoutandread.org/

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Episode 130: Urine Good Hands with Dana & Jessica
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
In this episode Dana describes herself as a fountain at The Bellagio when asked to pee in a teeny-tiny cup at the doctor. Jessica tries to tame a Diaper Genie. Spoiler Alert: She did not succeed... and there was fallout.
Corners this week contain a little game of 'true or false' and there is a new 'Pay It Forward' corner, where THE RANTS AND RAVES PODCAST ANNOUNCES IT'S FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY!!!!
Raves For This Week:
The Humane Society

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Episode 129: UnderWear 3 Ways
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Jessica receives a surprise delivery and Dana helps Dan Tipton deliver some furniture to the curb. Similar colors, font, and packaging puts Jessica in tizzy and you will understand why. Dana is not interested in making food and underwear a sexy combination. What the What Corner is a bioluminescent phenomenon happening from within snow found in Russia. Weirdo of the Week is a passenger who wore a specific lace object in protest of mask compliance on a flight. Rave #1 is the San Diego Senior Women's Basketball Association, a non profit organization of women from ages 50-95 who play basketball and give back to the community by providing basketball camp to girls aged 12-17. Rave #2 is This is About Humanity, a community dedicated to raising awareness about separated and reunited families and children at the border.
San Diego Women's Senior Basketball Association - https://swba.info/
This Is About Humanity - https://www.thisisabouthumanity.com/

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Episode 128: We’re Back and We’re Loud - 2022 Style(s)!!
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Dana is furious over, Covid positive/contagious, people out frolicking as if they have not a care in the world. Jessica teaches us all a little about accepting the things we cannot change. Animal Instincts Corner lets us know what happens when birds get drunk on Mangos. (It's not cute.) Excuuuuuse Me Corner has Jess and Dana divided on the benefits of stationary bikes where you eat. Our first Rave is from a younger listener- who confidently reminds us to appreciate that some things are just THAT GOOD. Rave #2 is from a St. Louis listener who shares the story of a hockey manager whose life was saved by an eagle eyed fan in the stands.
Happy New Year!!! May this year be better to us all than 2021. :)

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Episode 127: Goldfinger Praline Eater
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
From spilling paint to movie screenings, Dana and Jessica embrace their creative sides. Companies having the audacity to not bring back their yearly season items has Jessica fuming. A loose lid gives Dana the Midas Touch and she is not sure how she feels about it. Weirdo of the Week is a 45 year old woman who posed as her 22 year old daughter and no one noticed for a ridiculous amount of time. Animal Instincts Corner reveals the shocking lengths contestants will go to in order to ensure a win in the Saudi Camel Pageant. Rave #1 is Planting Hope LA, a mobile plant studio with handmade concrete vessels who give a portion of all sales to the JA Clermont Foundation helping children in Haiti with essential services needed to attend school and provide food. Rave #2 is Alternative Gifts International, an organization that partners with various charitable initiatives across the world to give a gift in someone's name.
Planting Hope LA - https://www.instagram.com/plantinghopela/
JA Clermont Foundation - https://clermontfoundation.org/
Alternative Gifting - https://alternativegifts.org/

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Episode 126: Some Things Will Never Change
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Christmas lights and acting in airplane flights are just the thing Dana and Jessica have in common this week. Dana wants someone to explain why men don't like to capture their wives in photographs, and when the do, It's from all the wrong angles. Jessica is ready to throw someone down if they don't properly tend to the tops of their condiment bottles. Weirdo of the Week is a man in Italy who attempted to get away with armed robbery with a health worker. Oh Wow Corner is the Doctor who has spent 20 years researching stem cells and diabetes and may have just cracked the code on that. Rant #1 is Native-Land, a website with a map of North America covering every place in the continent and what indigenous peoples lived in that specific region. Rant #2 is HTX Art, a converted school bus that brings art to children who need it most started by a mom who wanted to share the power of art.
Native-Land - www.native-land.ca
HTX Art - https://www.htxart.org/