Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Episode 145: Human Behavior and Animal Instincts
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Jessica proclaims Canada Dry as the King of ginger ale while Dana suggests that self tape auditions are ruining marriages. Jessica is pissed that a friend let another friend down on the other side of the world, something that should be verboten. Dana shares the frustrations of a listener who is a dedicated teacher who is having to convince parents of their children's plagiarism. Animal Instincts Corner is a book that will have you certain you aren't as bad at parenting as you think. Ummmm Nope Corner is a woman who fell head over heels for a John.... Rave #1 is The Human Library, is a not for profit learning platform, that has hosted personal conversations designed to challenge stigma and stereotypes since 2000. Rave #2 is Girl Trek, a health revolution for black women walking towards healing and liberation.
Human Library - https://humanlibrary.org/
Girl Trek - https://www.girltrek.org/

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Episode 144: Til Death Do Us Part
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Dana and Jessica thought of each other after recently learning about the Corpse Flower, and wish they could witness the once a decade bloom in person. Dana is ready to attack when it comes to the ridiculous shapes and outrageous cost for feminine hygiene across the world. Jessica wants hotels to step up their game when it comes to cleaning and renovating their buildings. Oh Wow Corner explores the ancient art of animation and film and how it was viewed. What the What Corner involves a Florida bride and her caterer who decided the sky was the limit when it came to getting guests high as a kite. Rave #1 is Circle Pack, started by a Hawaiian eco entrepreneur who is trying to fix the big Island's massive cardboard problem. Rave #2 is Girl Trek, two woman who are trying to better the health and lives of Black women through community and support.
Circle Pack - https://www.circlepack.co/
Girl Trek - https://www.girltrek.org/

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Lizards, Snakes and Ants
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
The fact that Jessica said "You need to buckle up for this episode" at the end of the show tells you all you need to know as Dana has to rein her in throughout. A rant gone wrong has Jess fed up with Fed Ex. Dana shares a listener's dismay and disgust for what is required to maintain male pet lizards. Weirdo of the Week is a guy who is the living proof that karma will come back and bite you in the ass. Animal Instincts explores ants and what scientists are now learning is possible with these tiny creatures and their ability to sniff things out. Rave #1 is Lego Replay, a recycling program to put legos in to the hand of new users who otherwise don't have them. Rave #2 is Pysanky for Peace, the old tradition of creating beautiful art and pattern on eggs by way of beeswax and dyes being taught at workshops who are donating funds back to Ukraine.
Lego - https://www.lego.com/en-us/sustainability/environment/replay/
Pysanky for Peace - https://pysankyforpeace.com/

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Episode 142: Tik Tok You Don’t Stop...Do Ya Think I’m Sexy
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Do you think Tik Tokkers should be millionaires and getting their own tv shows? Dana sure doesn't and she's gonna let you know exactly why. Jessica takes a listener's rant to heart and wonders why hands free driving is a thing with people buried in their cell phones. Excuuuuuuse Me Corner is a passenger on a Southwest flight who took Flying the Friendly Skies to a whole new level of yuck. Hollywood Corner is Rod Stewart repairing potholes in his hometown. But is it for emergency vehicles or to save the suspension in his Ferrari? Rave #1 is Sunflower of Peace, a non profit providing Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Rave #2 is Art Lifting, a platform for artists traditionally under represented such as those who are disabled or homeless.
Sunflower of Peace - https://www.sunflowerofpeace.com/
Art Lifting - https://www.artlifting.com/

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Episode 141: Chlorophyll and Key Lime
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Jessica only likes one kind of cookies-the real kind and Dana is crazy for chlorophyll. A long awaited trip years in the making takes Jessica in different directions and makes her reflect on what is important in life. Dana received a Rant Update from a listener who made great strides in communication with her partner after reading a book suggestion from Dana. Golden Oldies Corner is a centenarian who is continuing to learn and share that with others. What the What Corner is a complete vintage biosphere that has Dana swooning over her own magical terrariums. Rave #1 is Vanessa Rosage, an Austin based therapist who is giving free office space to support a colleague and their patients. Rave #2 is Earth at Night in Color docu series on Apple TV.
Vanessa Rosage - https://vanessarosage.com/
Elemental Liberation - instagram.com/elemental_liberation
Empaths Guide to Survival - https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Empaths-Survival-Guide-Audiobook/B06XW2WQ55

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Episode 140: Catfish and Compost
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Dana started her week au naturale while Jessica is 40 Shades of Hives. Spam text messages have become increasingly problematic, especially when Dana is is being catfished with an image of her doppelganger. Jessica wants to know how parents can be so oblivious and checked out to their kids' behavior in public. Weirdo of the Week is a bicycle hoarder who shall be known as The Rats of Nimh, Tour de France. Follow Up Corner is the tragic turned positive update of the woman running for a seat in the House who got drunk at a middle school sleep over. Rave #1 is Health in the Hood, a non-profit whose mission is to provide equal food access for all, one community garden at a time. Rave #2 is LA Compost, a community based non-profit supporting a healthy transition where food is never wasted, but returned to the soil for the next cycle of life.
Health in the Hood - https://www.healthinthehood.org/
LA Compost - https://www.lacompost.org/

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Episode 139:- Olives, Lavender and Borscht
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Is Dana crazy, or is Dan Tipton the ONLY man who keeps power tools under the bed instead of the garage? Either way, Jessica is turned on. A server playing dumb with "olive" his wits has Jessica trés angry while in search for her daily bread. If Dana of all people can handle her pets' earth, wind and fire, then SO. CAN. YOU. A new corner - Oh My God. What?! NO, will have you running for the hills, as long as they aren't growing the lavender sold at a major big box retailer. A teacher that has the opposite of Spidey-sense gets a little too close for comfort with students for World Book Day. Rave #1 is Knitted Knockers, an international group of volunteer knitters and crocheters who make knit breast prosthesis for women who have undergone mastectomies. Rave #2 are ways to help in Ukraine.
Knitted Knockers - https://www.knittedknockers.org/
Children's Voices - https://voices.org.ua/en/
Razom - https://razomforukraine.org/
Caritas Ukraine - https://www.caritas.org/where-caritas-work/europe/ukraine/
Kyiv Independent - https://kyivindependent.com/

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Virtual Insanity vs. Go Fish!
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Included with every box are five pieces of menstrual care divided between pads and tampons. While a typical cycle may require more or less, this is meant to represent the typical product needs of a period.
Peptoc Hotline
Call 707-998-8410 for a little pick me up anytime.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Episode 137: Cover Your Mouth And Listen Closely
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Dana and Jessica discuss the tragedy in Ukraine and how the world is coming together in support of them. Some people think the pandemic is "over" but Jessica has a real bone to pick with the person sitting next to her in a professional theater with extremely stringent safety protocols, and their lack of self awareness. A listener has Dana "projecting" her frustrations as to why people ever talk on speaker phone in any public place. Weirdo of the Week is once aspiring doctor to went to "earie" lengths to pass his final exam. Excuuuuuuse Me Corner is a woman who despite her age and position in the public eye, went all in at a tweenager sleep over. Rave #1 is Bakers Against Racism, a social community connecting bakers and creatives all across the globe to fight against racism in all its forms. It is unofficially the worlds largest bake sale raising over $2.5 Million for social justice causes worldwide. They have now turned their efforts towards helping the people of Ukraine. Rave #2 is the One Last Wave Project, whose mission is simply to bring the healing power of the ocean to help grieving families and individuals coping with loss or experiencing hardship, by inviting them to share the stories and names of a loved ones who they'd lost and promised to etch them onto his surf board, as a way to forever memorialize them in the place they so deeply loved.
Bakers Against Racism - https://www.bakersagainstracism.com
One Last Wave Project - https://www.onelastwaveproject.com/

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
’Resort’ Retort & Meat Is In The Air
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Dana is bothered by an 911 call she made recently, fearing she did more harm than good. Jessica gets everyone fired up over 'Resort Fees'. What are they exactly? Let Jess break it down for you.
Animal Instincts Corner let us in on the secret cat heaven located in Santa Barbara, California. We also learn about magic meat!! Jessica lets us know that sustainably grown meat can be made out of thin air.
My Stuff Bags:
The My Stuff Bags Foundation, with the help of thousands of people across the country, provides our nation’s most vulnerable children with new belongings and new hope.
Thousands of children in crisis are still entering foster care and crowded shelters without their own belongings. They are among the most vulnerable U.S. citizens and are lacking the comfort they need during these uncertain times. Our staff are still working diligently to provide new belongings to children in crisis.
We are still accepting drop-off and mail-in donations Monday – Thursday, 9:30AM to 4:30PM PST. Please include a My Stuff Bags Donation Record with your items!
You can also help by making blankets!
Blankets can be knit, crocheted, quilted, or made with fleece. See the instructions for our Easy No Sew Fleece blankets here. Drop off or mail your donations to the My Stuff Bags Foundation.