Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Ep 156: Finger Wagging Wipe Out
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
The Sandwich Project (TSP) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose volunteers assemble and donate fresh, homemade sandwiches each week for immediate consumption to meet the food scarcity needs in Metro Atlanta.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Ep 155: Wonderland Wunderkind
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Jessica finds her Holiday Wonderland at Target while Dana shares a beachside Wonderland on a magical daycation with her son. A listener is searching for advice on how to handle a justified request with travel details from their employer. Do chainsaws qualify as torture by sound when you are forced to listen to them for 6 days in a row?

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Ep 154: Tech Tales, Junk Mail Jerks, & Tattoo Treasures
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Jess takes umbrage with how rude people are when you need 'tech help' and Dana helps a listener with some options on how to handle a 'Junk Mail Jerk'!!
Jess Corner - Oh Wow Corner
Glasgow Nightclub powered by body heat
Dana Corner - Weirdo of the Week
Jess Rave - Tree People
Dana Rave - Hope Squad

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Ep 153: Dirty ”Dial” & Dry? No, Thank You.
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Episode 152: Gifts, Germs, & Cheating w/Your Butt!
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Surprise listener Rant calls Jessica on the carpet. Then she introduces Dana to the horror of Schmear Boards!
Dana Corner - WHAT THE WHAT CORNER https://www.odditycentral.com/news/student-tries-to-cheat-on-law-school-exam-with-intricately-etched-bic-pens.html
Jess Corner - ANIMAL INSTINCTS CORNER https://newsforkids.net/articles/2022/10/04/scientists-learn-that-dogs-can-smell-stress/
Dana Rave - Grounds and Hounds Coffee Company https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-rOaBhA9EiwAUkLV4u7AZE7C3lmlFpAlQbEysDp5pG2DvrjuARp5n7O_AU4gAEP2azQM7RoCK8cQAvD_BwE
To our four-legged friends, each day is a new adventure, full of possibilities and excitement. Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. was born out of our passion to give back to the animals who selflessly provide us with so much happiness. 20% of all profits generated by Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. are used to fund innovative and impactful rescue programs throughout the country. We strive to support the hard-working organizations and volunteers who fight for our friends day in and day out, and we promise to deliver an amazing cup of coffee along the way! All Grounds & Hounds green coffee 100% Arabica, specialty grade coffee. After sourcing our green coffee from the top growing regions around the world (Peru, Colombia, Sumatra, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Mexico, Guatemala, and Nicaragua), we then let our master roaster go to work. Our coffees are small batch roasted and require the skillful hand of our roast master to create the perfect beans for the perfect brew. We have a chance to do something great, and we would love for you to join us.
Jess Rave - The Landmark Project
We support Smokey Bear's Wildfire Prevention Education fund by donating 10% of our Smokey Bear profits! As part of Landmark Presents, we also collaborate every month with an artist to sell a fine art print in which 100% of the proceeds benefits the National Parks Conservation Association.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 151: Being Honest? Glue Guns and the 80’s Both Suck
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
**Notes coming soon**
Apologies, dp

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Episode 149: Welcome Back, To That Same Old Place You Laughed About
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Back from their Summer hiatus, Dana and Jessica both feel too young to be having issues with arthritis. Want to make Jess furious? Fold her laundry without her asking you to do so. Want Dana to snap? Come at her when she is in unrelenting pain. Weirdo of the Week is a fugitive who decided to grin and "bear" it while police looked for him. What the What Corner is a Canadian Candy Company looking for their own Willy Wonka. Rave #1 is The Confess Project, an organization who trains barbers to be mental health advocates and are committed to building a culture of mental health for Black boys, men and their families. Rave #2 is Fair Vote, s the national driving force behind advancing ranked choice voting (RCV) and proportional RCV in legislative districts to give voters more choices, fairer representation and better government.
The Confess Project - https://www.theconfessprojectofamerica.org/
Fair Vote - https://fairvote.org/

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Episode 148: Mugging in Dirty Water
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
In their latest episode Dana and Jessica discuss the importance of taking care of yourself and letting go of what others think of you. Jessica recently made good on that idea while getting an x-ray while Dana dove into Time Management for Mortals. A listener rant puts Dana into orbit over gross, sophomoric humor found on coffee mugs for Father's Day. Don't ever admit to Jessica that you let your kids frolic in a public water display or she will have you arrested. Oh Wow Corner takes a look down a deep dark whole filled with green which turns out to be an ancient forest. What the What Corner is a restaurant in Arizona that encourages its patrons to "lick the wall." Rave #1 is The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people. Rave #2 is Storyboard Delights, a small artisanal chocolatier who is giving $5 of every Pride Bar they sell that will be donated to our the Rainbow Advocacy Inclusion & Networking Services (RAINS), our local rainbow community organization.
The Trevor Project - https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Storyboard Delights - https://www.storyboarddelights.co/shop/p/pridebar

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Episode 147: Mouths, BS and Robots
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Dana asks Jessica how many "mouths on a stick" she owns, because she knows there is more and finds an emotional surprise in a backpack. The going rate for babysitters in 2022 vs when Jessica was a certified teenage sitter and was rejected for a raise. Jessica merely scratches the surface when she describes the Grey Gardenseque conditions her townhouse is in and the idiocy of her landlord. Dana can smell BS a mile away and she doesn't let anyone slide when they are speaking of something purely based on assumption or laziness. Weirdo of the Week is a family trying to bring back something a lot worse than the Brady Bunch on their trip to Hawaii. What the What Corner is a humanoid child robot that will haunt you forever but give you the skills to treat a child in distress. Rave #1 is Well Seek, a community organization dedicated to helping women thrive in their work and life. Rave #2 is Hearts of Gold, their mission and purpose is reimagining the future of homeless mothers and their children, together, by helping them to become confident and self sufficient as they prepare to transition out of NYC shelter system to permanent homes.
Well Seek - https://wellseek.io/
Hearts of Gold - https://www.heartsofgold.org/

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Episode 146: Invisible Person vs Dragon Breath
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
From Campfires and Cabins to 5G and Ernie's, what part of the body is the most painful to get waxed? Dana flew the coup when people blatantly cut in front of her and thought they would get away with it. Jessica survived a near death experience after tasting the breath of Candy the Cosmo (tologist, that is). What the What Corner runs wild with parents accused of abuse for including their child in an adult competitive sport. Oh Wow Corner is a thrift store find that fetched a lovely resale profit. Rave # 1 is Slow Stir Foods, a made from scratch nut butter and preserve company giving a portion of profits to Care org for Ukrainian relief through July 31. Rave #2 is #Donutfunds from Donut Friend, 50% from each Compassionfruit donut sold is given to a different charity each month. For the month of May, they have chosen (ETM LA) Education Through Music Los Angeles, who partner with under resourced schools to provide music as a core subject for all children.
Slow Stir Foods - https://slowstirfoods.square.site/shop/shop-4-ukraine/13?page=1&limit=60&sort_by=category_order&sort_order=asc
Slow Stir IG - https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqWZmjJ1-3/
Care Org - https://www.instagram.com/careorg/
Donut Friend - https://donutfriend.com/donutfunds/
Education Through Music Los Angeles - https://etmla.org/#