Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Episode 39: Monster Energy vs Energy Vampires
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Dana is double fisting caffeinated beverages while explaining her need to do some deep nesting. Simmer down, she's not pregnant. Jessica wants you to support your local farmers and be sure to try the Thanksgiving balls at Porto's bakery. Rant #1 - strangers or people you aren't close with dumping their life problems on you, literally every time you see them. Dana admits to recently letting Jessica drown in this exact scenario when they were out together. Rant #2 questions why every size bag is now available with wheels, even lunch bags. Why does Dana have a thing with 13 suitcases or say she would still wear Bath and Body Works Apple if she could? Why does Jessica have a Plant Nanny? What the What Corner is a happy lottery accident and a new emotional corner about a woman who texts her late father's number for years to finally receive an unexpected reply. A shared love for all prison themed shows, Jessica's dad sends her an article that became a rave. Uzo Aduba partnered with Global Citizen to work towards getting her parents native country Nigeria up to par with clean water and sanitation by 2025. After guesting on an episode of Take Me To Coffee Podcast, Dana shares the I'll Be There Project which inspires and commits acts of kindness after it's creator Chun Rosenkranz wanted to pay it forward after he was shown love while serving time in prison.
Global Citizen - https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/water-and-sanitation-crisis-sub-saharan-africa/
ACTIVATE - The Global Citizen Movement - https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/connect/activate/episode6/
I'll Be There Project - https://www.facebook.com/illbethereproject/

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Episode 38: Trick or Treat, Smell My...
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
A post Halloween late night recording session has Dana baffled by Jessica's fear of certain costumes and what she thinks has gone too far. What did Jessica's husband present to Dana that made her act like she had won the lottery? An amazing day performing with Young Storytellers has Dana inspired by this upcoming generation's ideals and attitudes. Rants this week span from scam phone calls for mortgages and student loans to fanciful language for food descriptions. We learn where Jessica's own knack for fanciful language comes from when she explains what Wordly Wise is to Dana. Hometown Hero corner features a cop who buys a mother in need the very thing he was going to ticket her for not having. I Can't Corner features a woman who is confident in her own Scents-abilities. Raves include a website with various modules on self help, anxiety and depression from a Norweigan clinical psychologist and Project Linus, a non profit making and providing new handmade blankets for children in need by volunteer blanketeers.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
If you don't have the energy to carve a pumpkin, Dana and Jessica agree it's cool to just paint them or draw a face with a sharpie. Dana went back to her "quiet place" and discovered a creature released from a home aquarium lurking in the pond. Jessica rants about people who rev their engines and wants to know if they think they are macho or a turn-on to women. Dana rants about how crazy Halloween Haunted Rides, Houses, etc, have gotten out of control with what happens in them and having to sign waivers so you can't sue them while Jessica reminisces the good and bad of the holiday tunes of yesteryear. Dana showed the power of kindness to a stranger who was hurt in an accident. Kids Are Amazing Corner features high school students in the Philippines who invented an inexpensive way to produce electricity from sound waves and the Weirdo of the Week made an engagement ring out of a year of "clippings." Our first rave is 82 year old Daphne Neville who raises rescued otters and has championed to bring back the population within England's rivers. With fires raging across California, our second rave is the CSFA, California's oldest and largest firefighters association who has posted links on their site to help firefighters who have currently lost their homes in these recent wildfires.
www.CSFA.net - https://www.csfa.net/CSFA/CalFF/articles/Donation_Funds_for_Firefighters_Who_Have_Lost_Their_Homes_During_the_Recent_and_Tragic_NorCal_Fires.aspx

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Episode 36: Up And Away, Don't You Heat Up Those Leftovers Today
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Dana takes Jessica to a wilderness reserve tucked in the outskirts of the city for an afternoon surprise and inspiration. Another unfortunate biological assault ensued when Dana violently sneezed into Jessica's face. Dana rants about elevator etiquette and not letting people off before you get on. Jessica rants about people who are oblivious to olfactory offenses when it comes to pungent food in close quarters with others. When it comes to deodorant, they know aluminum is bad, but are willing to take that risk so they don't smell putrid. OMG Corner is a woman who can't close her eyes after botched surgery. Weirdo of the Week is a woman who tried to pass off a baggie of meth as a bow clipped into her hair. Raves include a local Haunted House who asks for food donations as the price of admission and collected 600 meals last year. A little boy dresses as a police officer and goes around a nursing home handing out tickets to the residents for "being too cute" and offers them a hug.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Episode 35: Smell Down and Shut Up
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Episode 34: Phone Tap and Temperature Snap
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Why did Dana leave Jessica hanging during their opening jingle? Jessica loves tap dancing so much but Dana blames big boobs on not wanting to take adult classes with her. Dana rants about calling any customer service line for support only to be put on hold when leaving your number for a return call during peak hours. Why are Jessica and Dana so enamored with prison shows? Who does Dana picture in her mind when reading historical fiction novels? Jessica rants about why she has such an issue saying no to people, especially strangers. Weirdo of the Week involves roadkill cuisine and Celebrity Corner is one celeb giving another a tattoo. Raves include a 92 year old who volunteers at a nursing home and Greta Thunberg, a young woman challenging the world in regards to climate change.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Episode 33: Super Glued Lips and Ride Share Tips
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Jessica bought a cheeky sign for a gift exchange at an improv festival and Dana approached a man holding a pen because she thought it was a lizard. Dana demonstrates how to "yell" at someone by motioning to them through hand movements in the rear view mirror. A listener from La Belle Provence provides a rant close to Jessica's heart, bar soap in a powder room for guests. Dana rants over a listener's intense hatred for Fanny packs and the fact that hipsters are wearing them across their chests instead. Travel back to jolly old England with talks of chastity belts and how they were locked. Find out how Jessica really feels about celebrity children taking over their deceased parents' acts. What is Gordon Ramsey's favorite food that Dana has never heard of? A listener provides a follow up with tips to prevent unpleasant ride share experiences. Raves include a single dad who has worked with disabled and special needs people since he was 14 and adopted a toddler with Down Syndrome who was passed over by 20 families. Rave #2 is Paws of Honor, providing veterinary care and products to retired military and law enforcement dogs in the D.C. area so the burden is not on the officers/handlers/owners once the dogs hae been decommissioned.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Episode 32: Pawsitively Boobtiful
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Dana's obsession with scatting is getting more refined and Jessica looks through the valu-pak of weekly coupons hoping something will surprise her. Rants include people who take their pets everywhere treating them like living dolls, and people who put their entire wallet into their cleavage during the dead of summer. What did Jessica do with her wallet when she went to the Rose Bowl and how does it make Dana feel? Corrections Corner and Mr. Young Corner is the comic relief to the new Villains Corner Dana tried to make up in place of Weirdo of the Week. A message in a bottle made its way into a police officer's heart and an astronaut peeped her ex's bank account from space. Raves include Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization building beds for kids in need and the city of Dublin training the homeless community to be paid city tour guides.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Episode 31: Here Come the Pot Lucker
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Jessica offends Dana by "insulting her skatabilities," and the girls go down the musical well dropping hits by 90's rappers from the Islands. A double edged rant from a listener has them contending with loud chewing and people who insist on sitting right next to you when there are plenty of open seats elsewhere. Dana schools Jessica on how to remove sticky situations with pine resin salve. Jessica admits that she is one of the people Dana is referring to in another listener's rant regarding slow drivers in the fast lane. What better pot luck dish is there than homemade baked beans?? A teacher asks for help when one of her students is bullied and never expected the outpouring from a community in another state. Did you know Frances Perkins was responsible for labor laws as we know them today? Raves this week include a Malawi female chief who is using her newly elected position to save and empower young girls and a school that gives PE credit to students who do yard work for elderly and disabled members of their community.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Episode 30: Balls To The Wall, What's A Food Hall?
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Dana and Jessica have had a lot of balls thrown at them and they have had enough. Right away Dana is proud to discuss her love of all things Sasquatch and Jessica wants to know why they have become this season's owl or octopus. Dana is convinced her house is cursed and Jessica explains to her the magic of a gourmet food hall. Ride Shares are the main source of grief in this week's rant and Dana had plenty, with the exception of a private jet. Weirdo of the Week and What the What Corners will leave you spinning, while Kids Are Amazing will melt your heart as a seventh grader donated his county fair earnings to a children's hospital. Raves this week include Shoes For The Homeless and a listener who started an ongoing shoe drive for them in LA. Also, Cultivate Culinary, a food rescue that repurposes and repackages food into take home meals for children.