Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Episode 49: Things Are Getting Nutty Around Here
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Dana continues working on her imitation of Jessica as Jessica continues to try and convince Dana to eat her vegan soup. Rant #1 dives into the world of adult tantrums at retail stores when people have the nerve to return something they know darn well they shouldn't and Jessica isn't having it. Rant #2 takes a look at friends who are always late and Dana admits she is that friend and coins the term "late-y", a lady who is late. Animals are Amazing Corner features a bug eyed husky who found her furever home thanks to a rescue shelter. What the What Corner exposes a woman who made a DIY chastity belt for her unfaithful husband to keep him in line. Rave #1 shares people from all over who found and persued a new passion/career/life calling past the age of 40. Rave #2 is Baby 2 Baby, a 501-C 3 organization who provides children living in poverty ages 0-12 years with diapers, clothing, and all the basic necessities that every child deserves.
Baby 2 Baby - https://baby2baby.org/

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Episode 48: Age Is Just A Number
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Dana's first visit to an LA Museum prompts her and Jessica to want to be docents in their old age. The most shocking Corrections Corner yet when Jessica calls herself out on her dismissal of Dana and Springfield Style Cashew Chicken. Dana is tired of people interrupting when she speaks and don't even think about calling her honey. Jessica has had it with people pretending to be damsels in distress by behaving with Unnecessary Helplessness. D and J were both latch key kids but wouldn't dream of any one doing that with their kids these days. Weirdo of the Week is a self proclaimed Asparamancer. Oh Wow Corner is Humanae, a photographers exploration of matching skin tones to Pantone colors. Rave #1 is Scenery Bags, a company repurposing old scenery backdrops from shows and with part of the proceeds, can send underprivileged students to see plays On and Off Broadway. Rave #2 is Children of the Night, a 24/7 national hotline and Los Angeles based programs for children who are victims of sex trafficking and prostitution.
Scenery Bags - https://scenerybags.com/
Children of the Night - https://www.childrenofthenight.org/

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Episode 47: Up All Night, Sleep All Day
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Sure animals have different names from one language to another, but why were we taught that they sound different in another country? Dana and Jessica surprise each other with nostalgic tunes of elementary school. Jessica dishes on Korean food in Los Angeles and Dana insists that her hometown makes the best Cashew Chicken. Rants cover uneducated people acting like Know-it-all's on virtually everything, and feeling like you didn't put a dent into your house after spending hours cleaning. Weirdo of the Week makes a poor choice on where to eat like a king on Christmas in Georgia while squirrels wreak havoc on a Colorado man's truck. Raves include K9s for Warriors, a non profit matching rescue dogs with those who served in the military and suffer from issues post 9-11. People around the world are knitting mittens and joey pouches to help the injured animals who have survived Australia's deadly wildfires.
K9s for Warriors - www.k9sforwarriors.com
Animal Rescue Collective - https://www.facebook.com/arfsncrafts/

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Episode 46: Shall I Compare Thee 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
After comparing movies watched over the holiday break, Dana and Jessica give their top picks from 2019. Dana rants about how we can easily get overwhelmed when comparing our goals and accomplishments with others and what may not be realistic for ourselves. Jessica rants about party guests who show up with crap food or drink that no one wants and then ask the host what they have available. This week's Corners include Skeleton Lake, a mysterious graveyard in the Himalayas where scientists determined the cause of a mass death. Celeste Barber, an Australian comedian who set a goal of fundraising for Australian firefighters and victims, raised way beyond what she ever knew was possible. Raves include American Girl - Girl of the Year doll "Joss," a competitive cheerleader and surfer from Southern California who wears a hearing aid to assist in her hearing loss. Warrior Horses, an organization that matches a child with cancer to a horse for them to follow and meet while raising money for cancer research. Dana and Jessica discuss what an amazing man Fred Rogers was and the magic of the film Won't You Be My Neighbor.
Warrior Horses - https://warriorhorses.org/

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Episode 45: Light My Fire, Extinguish The Flames
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
It's the last show of the year! Jack Daniels Steaks vs Oreo Speedwagons gets Dana and Jessica into a tizzy straight away! In modern times, know what your friends and family prefer and or can't have at all before you decide on a meal. Ranting begins about greedy shoppers who buy all of one product and who don't have the decency to finish shopping before they check out and rude people who are impatient and don't respect the parents or children in a school drop off/ pick up line. Dana reveals horrifying imagery from one of her dreams, what does it mean?! What the What Corners go to the parents who let their toddler wander around a luxury car showroom and ends up scratching multiple cars and the company who introduced a voluntary badge for employees to wear to inform people when they are menstruating. Jessica quit smoking after years of addiction and encourages you to do the same. You can track your progress on various apps such as Quit Now! A company called Fire Dept. Coffee that gives back to first responders is near and dear to Dana's heart, as her Dad is a retired Fireman.
QUIT NOW! - This is an android app for people wanting to quit smoking. There are many options and they differ depending on iphone or droid.
Fire Dept. Coffee - https://www.firedeptcoffee.com/

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Episode 44: Tis The Season, With Good Reason
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Dana and Jessica met up at the mall for some holiday fun and their experience was far beyond their expectations. From having a blast shopping and looking for cheer, to stumbling on a child receiving their wish presented to them by Macy's and Make A Wish Foundation - follow The Rants and Raves Podcast on social media for videos and pics. What happened in Dana and Jessica's cars that makes the sensor think there is a passenger when they are riding solo? An all too relatable rant from a listener has Dana fuming over people commenting on your appearance, and Jessica is seething over people who put in zero effort to a White Elephant gift exchange. Start a new tradition with a book and a bottle swap! Dana brings the What The What Corner and has the nerve to suggest Jessica try sea worms because she is a fancy foodie. Weirdo of the Week has Jessica petrified over an antique holiday cake. Be Mindful Corner is a listener's take on being an adoptive parent and a child's right to privacy. Rave #1 is how a community Secret Santa program surprised a hardworking dad and husband to 4 children and an infirmed wife. Rave #2 is Sackcloth and Ashes, a company who makes Western inspired blankets that for each one that is sold, one is donated to a homeless shelter. We are going dark next week and will be back with our final episode of the year on December 31st.
Sackcloth and Ashes - https://sackclothandashes.com/
Cost Plus World Market - https://www.worldmarket.com/category/gifts/sackcloth-and-ashes.do

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Episode 43: Chocolate Brown Stop Feeling Down
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Dana and Jessica had very different experiences at the Hollywood Christmas Parade over the years, though the participants have always been lack luster. Crazy about the holidays, they both welcome and embrace all reasons for the season. They are fed up with this year's epidemic of Poo Emoji Products, and wonder when our society began to celebrate s#&t. No one likes being around someone who is constantly on their phone, so be mindful of that during family/friend time during the upcoming holidays. Kids Are Amazing Corner shows us how "love rules" thanks to the care and organization of a teacher. What The What Corner features a man who had quite the surprise when he found out why he kept trying to clear his throat. Dana and Jessica take pride in trying to one up each other with early morning selfies. Rave #1 is a Non GMO chocolate company putting their money where their mouth is in regards to ethical products and the places 10% of their yearly net proceeds go to. Rave #2 is the Happiness Lab, a podcast as well as a free online course breaking down the simple secrets to being happier overall in day to day life.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Episode 42: Jingles All The Way
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Dana wants to skat whereas Jessica likes bands more like Ratt. Why does Dana think things are constantly flying out of her face and that she has a slobbering problem? What does Jessica mean when she says she prefers something dry over wet that puts Dana over the edge? 6 months later, Jessica has finally agreed to start using her new profesh headphones much to Dana's surprise. The girls agree on what constitutes too early as far as holiday decor goes after a Texas family was asked by their HOA to take down an inflatable snowman. Dana and Jessica take you down the rabbit hole of classic holiday commercial jingles. What The What Corner talks about the sad truth of why virginity pills were created. A new Golden Oldies Corner features a couple's 72 Anniversary photo shoot aptly timed. Jessica and Dana have a scent-sational argument over her latest candle purchase. Rave #1 is Empower Her, a nonprofit organization founded with a specific mission - to empower, support and connect girls and young women who have experienced the loss of their mothers. Rave #2 is Hero Bags, a Go Fund Me started by an 8 year old boy who wanted to help homeless veterans by giving them bags of essentials and a thank you note for their service.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Episode 41: Rooster, Toad, Turtle
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Can I get an "Amen!"? Jessica is finally using professional head phones and it is sending Dana into orbit as she reveals each sound she can finally hear. Dana snuggles up at the movies while life imitates art and Jessica judged The Improv Cup, a competition for charity. What kind of bird are you picturing when your neighbor says they got some new birds? Dana and Jessica weigh in on a listener's rant about losing and gaining weight and how other people react to it. An adorable tissue pack turns out to be petrified paper and proof that you get what you pay for. Animals Corner features an aristocrat amphibian. Guilty As Charged Corner shares messages from listeners who admit to doing the very things we rant about. Shout outs to Keep Baking Baker and Welcome to the Fam Podcast for inspiring us and walking the walk. Rave #1 is The Painted Turtle, a charity under the Serious Fun Network umbrella, a nationwide nonprofit founded by Paul Newman, that provides camp experiences to seriously ill children and family completely free of charge. Rave #2 is EarthHero, an eco friendly online marketplace that has done the research on sustainable companies that are helping reduce our impact on the planet to make shopping sustainably, easy.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Episode 40: Heavenly Creatures
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Don't ever make Jessica laugh when she is drinking a beverage or offer Dana guacamole.