Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Episode 57: Food and Drink On The Quarantine Brink
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Quarantine has Dana purging and organizing her house while Jessica started exercising and cooking gourmet meals everyday. A listener rant about technology vs a phone call has D and J agreeing with them in pre Covid times, but not in the current state of affairs. Another listener rant has D and J cringing at the thought of riding in a bus with strangers for long distances. Double Celebrity Corner! Eric Stonestreet donated 200,00 meals to Harvesters.org to feed people in need in his hometown. Jessica got to help Ed Begley, Jr. with coffee and water during the pandemic. Rave #1 is a huge shout out to those making medical masks for the health care community with patterns made available through the Deaconess. Rave #2 is Frontline Foods, feeding hospital clinicians while supporting local restaurants.
Medical Mask Pattern - https://www.deaconess.com/How-to-make-a-Face-Mask?fbclid=IwAR1H25JhviFlqeBjj-LEwCUCGNf-PbJcst4fHxcnXOThUqoTk6CVQ8cuyRM
Frontline Foods - https://www.frontlinefoods.org/

Monday Mar 23, 2020
*Bonus Episode* with 'Spark My Interest'
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
We wanted to let everyone know we were not able to record a new episode for this week. Things have been very crazy for everyone, all over the world, and we just weren't able to make it happen this week.
Lucky for us we had recorded an episode with the women of 'Spark My Interest' and had such a lovely time!! Check them out when you can! This week we will be releasing our episode with them and we can't wait for you to listen!!
We hope everyone is safe and well. We appreciate everyone who has reached out to us. And, we will be back very soon with more things to RAVE about. We all need some goodness these days. Don't forget to take a cleansing breath (or 50) this week. We love you all!
Out with the bad and in with the good!!
Note: This was recorded before the Corona outbreak, in Los Angeles, back in Feb. We are all practicing social distancing and we hope you are too. :)
Spark My Interest
'Everyone loves a good story. Tune in each week to hear three fresh findings!'
Granevan Media

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
We wanted to let everyone know we were not able to record a new episode for this week. Things have been very crazy for everyone, all over the world, and we just weren't able to make it happen this week.
Lucky for us we had recorded an episode with the women of 'Spark My Interest' and had such a lovely time!! Check them out when you can! This week we will be releasing our episode with them and we can't wait for you to listen!!
We hope everyone is safe and well. We appreciate everyone who has reached out to us. And, we will be back very soon with more things to RAVE about. We all need some goodness these days. Don't forget to take a cleansing breath (or 50) this week.
Out with the bad and in with the good!!
Spark My Interest
'Everyone loves a good story. Tune in each week to hear three fresh findings!'
Granevan Media

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Episode 56: The Calm Before The Storm
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
When we recorded this last week, we didn't know that it would rain for a week straight in Los Angeles or that the Corona Virus would become a pandemic and require city wide closures across the nation. Why wasn't Dana allowed to walk around barefoot as a kid and why hasn't Jessica redeemed a foot massage certificate 10 years later? Dana rants about getting bombarded the minute you enter your place of work and the people who will wait right next to you when on the phone until you hang up. Caffeine definitely has a hold on both D and J. Jessica rants about buying a routine purchase and getting a coupon for that item immediately after that expires within 3 days. Dana brings a new Corner called NOPE, and guess what 5.5" is the global average length for. Kids Are Amazing Corner features a high schooler who was born a preemie, and has since set up mini libraries in hospitals so parents can read to their preemies who can't go home yet. Rave #1 is an Elementary school Principal in Wilmington Delaware who set up a barber shop on campus as a way to connect with his students and reduce behavioral problems. Rave #2 is Seventh Generation, an eco friendly company who makes amazing products and is helping the environment along the way. They have partnered with Period.org on trying to eliminate the "Tampon Tax."
Seventh Generation - https://www.seventhgeneration.com/home
Period.org - https://www.period.org/

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Episode 55: All You Need is Soup And Toilet Paper
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Covid 19 didn't stop Dana from traveling internationally or Jessica from learning to give herself allergy shots. It did prevent them from being able to purchase a normal amount of toilet paper. Jessica rants for a listener over stores that require you to turn in your bag, even if it's really small and would be impossible to fit stolen good inside. Dana joined Tik Tok and Jessica refuses to enter that app after a short lived attempt at Snap Chat years ago. Dana rants about bar counter etiquette and when you should move for someone, here's a hint, it's when they are a person and not a bag! Weirdo of the Week is a man who has been stealing and collecting bicycle seats for 25 years. What the What!? is an Australian paper who printed 6 additional pages which were purposefully left blank with the exception of perforated marks in an attempt to serve as a back up to toilet paper. Rave #1 is Spoonful of Comfort, a company providing a "homemade" box of goodies to help you feel better for a variety of occasions. Rave #2 is Best Buddies, an international organization changing the lives of people living with a large array of disabilities and offering life changing programs.
Spoonful of Comfort - https://www.spoonfulofcomfort.com/
Best Buddies - https://www.bestbuddies.org/

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Episode 54: I Don't See Nothing Wrong With A Little Bump And Grind
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Dana and Jessica compare Valentine's Day dinners and wonder if each other knows the Medical Medium. The gals got to be guests on a show that is part of our pod-squad and it sparked more than joy. Listeners write in and let us know the Weirdo of the Week song never needs to be remixed and gave us this week's rants. Dana rants it out regarding people who reach over you/bump into you and never acknowledge or say excuse me. Jessica is full of rant when reading a listener's frustration with movie trailers that are totally misleading and misrepresenting the true meaning/nature of the film. What the What Corner is a foodtastic collaboration between mega brands and Weirdo of the Week is a guy who releases rodents into hotels in an attempt to scam them into a refund. Rave #1 is an impromptu baby shower comprised of flight attendants passing out napkins for passengers to shower new parents and their baby with well wishes. Rave #2 is a recycling program started by Tulane students who are trying to fight coastal erosion with sand made of crushed glass. Dana wants you to know that butterflies taste with their feet.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Episode 53: Dr. Feelgood
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
What hometown celeb does Dana's husband think is proof that God plays favorites? Dana shares her experience as the host of Mending Kids' annual fundraising gala. Jessica is fuming at people's lack of etiquette at the doctor's office and in the waiting room. Dana is here to tell you self-care is mandatory and not a luxury others should make you feel guilty about. Jessica collects something she never uses purely because she loves books. When the day arrives that you finally feel your age. Corners this week cover a human eating dog food to prove a point and the "Broomstick Challenge" Jessica fell victim to from the moon's gravitational pull. Rave #1 is #foodislove, a group of businesses that are giving a portion of their proceeds to help those in need. Our local bakery Big Sugar, is giving $5 from every sweetheart cake sold this month to St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels. Rave #2 is the Young At Heart Chorus, started at a Massachusetts elderly housing project with members ranging from 73-92 who perform around the world.
St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels - https://www.stvincentmow.org/
Young At Heart Chorus - https://youngatheartchorus.com/

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Episode 52: Once Bitten Twice Shy, Baby Bye Bye Bye
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Dana still doesn't want your butt sitting on anything and fancies herself going to a Vampire Ball. Jessica binged Cheer on Netflix but Dana wouldn't let her discuss it because she hasn't seen it yet. Dana tells us how she feels about people leaving perishable foods in the wrong places. Jessica and Dana get crazy over a "chip clip" debate. Jessica wants to know why people refuse to replace something when the time has come to get some new basic hardware for your home. OMG Corner is a woman held hostage by her cat in Russia for two days. Oh Wow Corner is a woman who files for divorce due to her husband's lack of hygiene and we understand why. Rave #1 is Kaboom, a national non profit who works to ensure all kids get the play they need to thrive and provide safe spaces for teenagers to hang out and be physically active. Rave #2 is The Humane League, whose mission is to end the abuse of animals raised for food as they continue to get national corporations to enact animal welfare policies.
Kaboom - https://kaboom.org/
The Humane League - https://thehumaneleague.org/

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Episode 51: That's Gonna Leave A Mark
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Rotel Dip, Tacos and Pie - Oh my! Dana vacuumed up a lot more than crumbs at the car wash. When Jessica rants about unnecessary information being shared in group texts, Dana is convinced that those people are liars. The gals have the pipes to prove that California knows how to party. A call for help is put out on the airwaves after Dana's son points out her young eyebrows and Jessica tells her not to even consider brow tattoos. What The What Corner reveals how you can earn a cash prize with a gator in Indonesia. Weirdo of the Week is Date Mark, a guy who advertises himself to potential soul mates. When's the last time you saw Angelyne in her little pink Corvette? Rave #1 is a retired businessman in Toledo who announced he would pay for the college tuition, room and board for the entire graduating class of a local high school and additionally pay for one parent or guardian to go as well. Rave #2 is Working Wardrobes, a charity that has been helping people with clothing and supplies to get back in the work force since 1990 who recently lost their entire operation in a devastating fire.
Working Wardrobes - https://workingwardrobes.org/

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Episode 50: Planned Parkinghood
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
One of us booked a tv show, the other - a colonoscopy. A bad mistake at the pharmacy has Jessica wanting you to be your own health advocate. A listener rant coined "only person in the world syndrome" has Dana telling off the professional Daddy who doesn't follow parking etiquette. Weirdo of the Week is a dude wanting to live out a medieval fantasy against his ex. Kids Are Amazing Corner features a boy who became the youngest yogi in the U.S. after watching what the practice did for his mother when undergoing treatment for cancer. Rave #1 is Mending Kids (Dana is hosting their fundraising gala!) They provide free life-saving surgical care to sick children worldwide by deploying volunteer medical teams and educating communities to become medically self sustaining. Rave #2 is Taking the Reins, an equine based education program for LA's most under resourced urban girls.
Mending Kids - https://www.mendingkids.org/
Taking the Reins - https://takingthereins.org/