Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Episode 67: From Re-entering to Re-Foresting
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Dana and Jessica haven't been in the same state let alone the same room in months and can't believe this year is half over. Jessica is tired of people trying to justify things by saying that food is mostly vegan, or that people are mostly compliant about wearing masks, etc. when they aren't and that it only takes one person to screw something up. Dana has gone to great lengths in an effort to create full proof passwords so that she is never locked out of an account again. What the What Corner is a brain eating bacteria found in Florida last month that became the perfect segway for the merits and perils of Neti Pots. An undecided Corner features an Austrian man that was fined for farting AT police. Not on, but AT. A meeting through social media prompted Dana's Rave for this episode, a Utah based 501c non profit organization dedicated to helping single parents in need with services ranging from food to support groups. Jessica's Rave comes through a surprise birthday gift involving her favorite beverage - coffee, that is giving back to help reforestation in the Mindo Cloud Forest of Ecuador.
The Single Parent Project - https://www.singleparentproject.org/
Tiny Footprint Coffee - https://www.tinyfootprintcoffee.com/

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Episode 65: Silence is Violence
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Six months into the wildest year of our lifetime, Dana and Jessica discuss the need to use your voice to speak out against injustice and the importance of taking social distancing seriously. Dana shares the deeply personal experiences surrounding the loss of her mother. A listener Rant lays out the reality of trying to job hunt during a quarantine. What the What Corner features Feral Pigs who rip into a stash of cocaine hidden in an Italian forest. Weirdo of the Week Corner shares a number of restaurants who take the "plating" of food to a whole new level. Rave #1 is an Alaskan grocery store own who makes a 14 hour trip with his staff to supply his town with essentials during the pandemic. Rave #2 is the National Urban League, an advocacy organization enabling African Americans and other underserved urban residents to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
National Urban League - https://nul.org/

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Deepest Sympathy
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
A brief message explaining why we will be taking a pause from the podcast this week. Please hold Dana and her family in your heart this week.

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Episode 64: The Jokes On You
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Dana and Jessica discover they are both proud and guilty when it comes to keeping certain pranks going for years and years. Dana has tapped into her roots as an illustrator and in doing so, perfectly captured Jessica on a rage walk. A listener rant opens a discussion of how important it is to get help with mental health and to never feel shame for doing so, and do what is right for you. Instacart takes some serious liberties when substituting items from your list that are not available and Jessica is not having it. Double Whammy Weirdos of the Week include a woman who makes videos of her horrifically long toe nails, and a restaurant in D.C. sets up costumed mannequins throughout the dining room to make social distancing less awkward. Rave #1 is Magnolia Earl, the first adopted Gerber baby, whose smile will melt your heart. Rave #2 is Crazy Crayons, a company that breathes new life into old crayons by recycling them into new beautiful shapes and themes while encouraging people to round them up in their home town.
Gerber Baby - https://www.popsugar.com/family/magnolia-earl-first-adopted-gerber-baby-2020-47456715
Crazy Crayons - https://www.crazycrayons.com/

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Episode 63: If You Like Pina Coladas, And Getting Caught In the "Rain"
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Dana can't remember her own name and Jessica tries to defend curling now that the Olympics have been cancelled this year. The only way Dana will eat pineapple is if it has been soaked in grain alcohol and Jessica explains an Ever clear watermelon. D and J discuss how awkward it is to run into someone you haven't seen in ages and struggle to find the words, as well as how it feels to have Happy Birthday sung to you and not knowing what to do or where to look. What kind of food did Dana offer a homeless man only to be turned down? Oh Wow! Corner is a woman in England who has had to resort to treating her boyfriend like a dog. Weirdo of the Week is a woman who didn't realize her plant was fake and she had watered it for two years. Rave #1 is a teacher in Alabama who used his stimulus check to pay for 3 of his student's family's utility bills and a donation to Shriner's hospital burn unit. Rave #2 is CAS, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, a motor speech disorder that makes it difficult for children to speak. CAS is an option to make charitable donation to through Amazon Smile.
Childhood Apraxia of Speech - https://www.asha.org/PRPSpecificTopic.aspx?folderid=8589935338§ion=Resources

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Episode 62: Sharp Tongue, Burning Bum
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Dana and Jess miss being in sync with their opening jingle while recording remotely and wonder when they will be together in person again. A number of plagues are happening and Dana has no interest in making a deal with the devil. Jessica gets super rude when people (her husband) stare at her while she is working on something. Dana likens her tongue to that of a weapon, and Jessica will rain her wrath upon you if you heat up her seat in any situation. The power of packages and messages go farther than you every realized, especially when people feel isolated and alone right now. What the What Corner praises an Indonesian politician for his answer to citizens not wearing masks during quarantine. Oh Wow Corner is a Kodak puzzle measuring 28 x 6 ft. Rave #1 is a teacher who took in the newborn sibling of one of her students whose family tested positive for Covid-19. Rave #2 is a Parks and Rec Dept in Alabama who held a pre-order and pick up Farmer's Market for locals to safely enjoy fresh local produce during quarantine while supporting local farmers.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Episode 61: The Golden Girls Knew How To Quarantine
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Perfect timing for a heat wave in April while everyone is stuck at home and already going cray. Find out what commercial makes Dana and Jessica cry and then imitate some crooners. Jessica wants to know why people have to be so defensive over emails instead of just fixing the problem and instead making something go on for 20 emails with all the back and forth. Dana has had it with people copping out on their duties as a transcriber for subtitles on television. She's looking at you, person who does it for Golden Girls. Kids Are Amazing Corner features a 16 year old who started SOS - Supplies Over Skies to fly medical supplies to rural hospitals in Virginia. What the What Corner is a father who shaved the center of his kids head to look like an old man to thwart his attempts of going out during the quarantine. Rave #1 comes from Verizon's Pay It Forward Live home concert with Billie Eilish and Finneas Baird. Their mother has started Support and Feed - a way to simultaneously support small vegan establishments while sending food to first responders. Rave #2 is a teacher that combined all of her students and teachers from the school to all do a video mash up from zoom of them singing I'm Still Standing. Shout outs of love and gratitude to some of our Pod Squad People - Spark My Interest, Welcome To The Fam, and That's Gold! With Steve Hytner.
Pay It Forward Live - https://www.verizon.com/pay-it-forward-live/
Support and Feed - https://www.supportandfeed.com/

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Episode 60: Coffee, Covid and Coverings
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
The ladies recorded an online game show episode of Site Unseen with their friends at Nerdtainment. Because the both showered and put on makeup for the first time in 5 weeks, they decided to try a video recording of the podcast for You Tube. Tik Tok taught Dana how to foil her evil cat once and for all. Jessica doesn't understand why Dana didn't call her when she ran out of coffee so she could deliver her some immediately. Dana told love ones to pick yarn and send to her and she would crochet them a blanket. Jessica let us know why she has never gotten a tattoo and it's not the reason you're probably thinking. The quarantine has Dana and Jessica missing the ability to perform live now more than ever. Corners include a woman who should have tried Calamine lotion instead of botox and a man who lived with a rusted blade in his brain for 26 years. Rave #1 is a list of Masks that give back, for every mask you purchase as protection against Covid, the companies listed donate to others. Rave #2 is Etsy's #standwithsmall campaign highlighting the millions of small businesses on their platform that can fulfill gifts and personal needs during the quarantine.
Masks That Give Back - https://www.whowhatwear.com/face-masks
Etsy Stand With Small - https://www.etsy.com/featured/standwithsmall

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Episode 59: Challah Back And Butter My Biscuits
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In preparation for going live on someone else's IG , Jessica thought she'd test it out with Dana's Number 1 celeb crush. The ladies discuss how Passover and Easter will be different this year and how much they enjoy the amount of times they talk to their dads since the quarantine hit. Dana poses a series of questions for her and Jessica to compare answers on and Jessica almost turns them into a rant. Don't get her started on breads that Dana doesn't know. Oh Wow Corner is a bar in Tybee Island off the coast of Georgia that removed every dollar that was stapled to their walls to be able to divide amongst their staff. Weirdo of the week is a South African politician who died and was buried in his Mercedes Benz limousine. Rave #1 is a listener who is supporting small businesses as she tries to keep her own small business open and work as a nurse. Rave #2 is the James Beard Foundation Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund who will offer critical financial assistance through micro grants to independent restaurants to pay set operating expenses to keep them from going out of business during the Covid 19 crisis.
James Beard Foundation Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund - https://www.jamesbeard.org/relief

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Being cooped up at home has got Dana and Jessica acting crazier than ever. Frantic house cleaning and rage walking have become a daily activity for them. Dana has taken up paint by numbers while Jessica has morphed into the Barefoot Contessa. Why does Dana look gorgeous during quarantine while Jessica thought she could wear props for work zoom meetings? Rants go from reverting to child like behavior and not wanting to do routine things for ourself while stuck at home to peoples lack of Covidiquette during these uncertain and scary times. Oh Wow Corner is a mix tape that survived years of salt water. Weirdo of the Week is a dog that led cops on a high speed car chase while the owner was teaching it how to drive. Rave #1 is Aviation Gin, owned by Ryan Reynolds, who is giving 30% off all sales during the month of April to help out of work bartenders. Rave #2 is Vans Foot the Bill, special customized Vans created to give money to small businesses such as skate shops, art galleries and restaurants around the country during the closures of non essential businesses.
Aviation Gin - http://www.aviationgin.com/buy-online-us
Vans Foot the Bill - https://www.vans.com/footthebill.html