Got something that bugs you? The word moist? Slow drivers in the fast lane? People who start conversations with ‘No offense, BUT...'? Let us RANT about it! Got something you LOVE? A charity organization? A song? That video of the Grandpa who holds babies in the NICU? Let us RAVE about it! Every Tuesday Jessica Young and Dana Powell RANT & RAVE and you can too! Let’s all breathe together for an hour. Out with the bad and in with the good, motherf*ckers!!

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Episode 86: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Keep Pumpkin Spice Away From Me
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Having to rely on the internet for everything during quarantine has its share of glitches but that won't get Jessica and Dana down as they are too busy monitoring how much water they aren't drinking. A heartfelt rant from a listener takes a look at how your actions effect others and the importance of showing respect and gratitude to all of the people in a work setting. Why does everything have to be holiday themed as far as food and beverage options around the holidays, we're looking at you pumpkin spice! Animal Instincts Corner reveals the winner of New Zealand's Bird of the Year Contest and the results may surprise you. Oh Wow Corner is a dad who took putting on a face mask everywhere except your eyes a little too seriously and Dana can relate all too well. Rave #1 is Blankets of Hope, a non profit who provides blankets to the homeless with handwritten notes from elementary students after they take a Kindness Workshop to learn more about the cause. Rave #2 is Miles for Migrants, a program that allows people to donate their frequent flyer miles to help reunite refuge families in safe new homes worldwide.
Blankets of Hope - https://www.blanketsofhope.com/
Miles for Migrants - https://miles4migrants.org/

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Episode 85: Anxiously Awaiting Aviation And Aussies
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Dana and Jessica discuss not letting anxiety get the best of you but also how it can hit you and take you out of your comfort zone. A listener is at her wits end over the things her community is fighting for and Dana totally relates as a mother and the sacrifices we all need to make for the greater good of others. A rant hailing from a young listener over people shaming her for not knowing something she asks a question about, has Jessica admitting that she does that to close friends as "they can take it!" What the What Corner takes us to an unexpected location for Santa Claus to place a Christmas Tree to increase tourism. Animal Instincts Corner has us asking, who knew that pigeon racing was such as hot commodity in Belgium. Rave #1 is The Lindbergh Schools Foundation, a non profit in St. Louis dedicated to supporting the schools in Lindbergh and their commitment to excellence in all facets of education. Rave #2 is the Australian Firefighters Annual Calendar which benefits native animal charities working to help the animals displaced and effected by the tragic fires there within the last year.
Lindbergh Schools Foundation - https://www.lindberghfoundationstl.com/
Australian Firefighters Calendar - https://www.australianfirefighterscalendar.com/

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Episode 84: Letter By Letter, Pound For Pound
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
An unexpected and all around lovely package from a listener came at just the right time. Find out what Dana desperately wants to carry around as a flask. A friend's instagram post put Jessica in a tailspin over the required maintenance of a front loading washing machine. When the holiday beverages are already currently sold out, Dana's food ordering anxiety rekindles. Oh Wow Corner highlights a Brooklyn man and his typewriter which he uses to write letters with strangers for those that could use a good old fashioned letter in the mail. Excuuuuuse Me Corner begs to ask the question, why do people need to get dirty when it comes to naming a donut after Santa? Rave #1 is State Bags, a company that gives a backpack filled with school supplies to a child in need each time you purchase a bag from them. Bombas socks give one pair of socks to the homeless with every pair you purchase.
State Bags - https://statebags.com/
Bombas Socks - https://bombas.com/

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Episode 83: Spaghetti Lady And The Tramp
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
A listener's rant hits close to home with Dana as the only woman in a house of boys who often glaze over the little things forgetting that leads to big anger. Jessica wants to know why anyone would want a dessert disguised as a savory main course, just have the actual dish! Weirdo of the Week Corner is a Japanese group who are trying to take peoples' minds off of Covid by scaring them with an in person horror experience. Nope! Corner is an open air restaurant - aka floating picnic tables - that hovers 164 feet above Brussels and will legit take your breath away. Rave #1 is Freedom Drivers, a volunteer organization that transports animals from high kill shelters in Montreal to other Canadian Provinces where they can then go on to find forever homes. Rave #2 is the story of a single mom of 6, who chose to pay it forward after a small win from a dollar lottery ticket.
Freedom Drivers - https://www.instagram.com/freedomdrivers/?hl=en

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Episode 82: Talking Heads + Singing Preachers
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Jessica takes the path of least resistance when it comes to Halloween decor this year and Dana realizes where she gets her behavioral responses from. When a listener rant involves customers getting too close to retail employees, Dana offers some serious advice. Jessica is past the point of anger when people in her building don't share the same ideals for keeping a common shared space clean. History is Fascinating Corner takes Dana down a rabbit hole with ventriloquists and their dummies ends with her wanting to take an act on the road with Jessica. What the What Corner has Jessica watching a Tik Tok video which gives Dana hope while the newlyweds think otherwise. Rave #1 is Global Vision 2020, a company founded by a US Veteran to end the world's epidemic of poor vision by screening and providing prescription glasses to people in the most remote parts of the world. Rave #2 is The Love Spreader, an instagram account from a woman who promotes positive vibes and alopecia awareness. She also wrote a book called Happy As I Am.
Global Vision 2020 - https://gv2020.org/
The Love Spreader - https://www.instagram.com/thelovespreader/?hl=en

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Episode 81: Paper Trees Vow To Breeze
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
When Jessica ranted about what happened to her recent pizza delivery she was certain Dana would call her out for bougie toppings. Never did she dream that Dana would come up with a plan to shame the restaurant, and agree to help her implement it. A rant from Georgia about unleashed dogs has Dana recalling her own experience with that on her street and the unfortunate outcome. Hollywood Corner - spoiler alert! There's no spoiler. The people involved with Nexium have been brought up on charges and those who escaped 'Vow' to save the others. Weirdo of the Week Corner perked Dana's Dad's interest half way across the country when a man spotted wearing a jet pack a la Tony Stark showed up in controlled air space. Shout out to Kim Noonan, who Dana worked with on Pepper available on Apple, and his podcast Multi Racial White Boy Podcast. Rave #1 is brought to us by a listener, who upon hearing last week's episode, let us know that the lumber from the giant tree in Rockefeller Center is donated to Habitat for Humanity every year. Rave #2 is Lasting Smiles, an all natural, 100% recycled packaging lip balm company who gives 50% of their proceeds to various charities.
Habitat for Humanity - https://www.habitat.org/stories/rockefeller-center-christmas-trees-journey-habitat-home
Lasting Smiles - https://www.lastingsmiles.org/

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Episode 80: I'm Too Sexy For This Costume
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Momma Powell's presence was very strong today and with her she brought love and happiness. A Canadian listener proves that even mild mannered folks from the Great White North have their breaking point. The lack of etiquette within an office and amongst coworkers especially with food and noise is alarming and down right rude. A half brained idea may be just the thing we've all been waiting for this holiday season. If it isn't, pretend like you are allergic to whatever you don't want to do. This year's sexy Halloween costumes have us questioning what has become of our speci at this very moment. Rave #1 is Flower Truck LA, a mobile fresh cut bouquet maker on wheels who has given a substantial contribution to the LA Children's hospital. Rave #2 is Miracle Maskers, young women raising funds through the sale of their handmade masks to give back and the charity they gave part of their proceeds to in their hometown, A Safe Place.
FlowerTruckLa - https://www.instagram.com/flowertruckla/
Miracle Maskers - https://www.facebook.com/miraclemakerss
A Safe Place - https://www.asafeplacetogo.com

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Episode 79: Mustard And Moving, A Love Story
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Zoom School is for zombies when it comes to people dragging on and on with color therapy and songs about fast food. You think you're mad if you come home from a store to find something is already open or broken, Jessica is furious about her tampered gift of gourmet mustard from another town. If you live in Missouri, you best not be leaving anything behind when you move or Dana's family will teach you a lesson. Oh Snap Corner proves just how dumb people can be when trying to force an already delicate situation in a certain direction. Animal Instincts Corner has Dana and Jess discussing the pros and cons of pet birds and talking parrots who repeat any and everything. Rave #1 is the "Notorious Necklace" worn by RBG, recently reissued by Banana Republic, and they are giving 100% of the proceeds to the International Center for Research on Women. Rave #2 is Subaru's 2nd Annual Make a Dog's Day by helping rescue dogs get adopted who need homes and are often the last to get adopted and Dana's friend's dog Seven, a handsome one eyed pirate of love who is one of The Underdogs.
Notorious Necklace - https://www.insider.com/banana-republic-ruth-bader-ginsburg-necklace-dissent-collar-2020-10
International Center for Research on Women - https://www.icrw.org/
Subaru Make A Dog's Day - https://www.subaru.com/makeadogsday

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Episode 78: Not To Go Off Topic, But...
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
A simple yet classic food is the thing that brings Dana and Jessica together in agreement, as to what constitutes delicious food. Pick your poison for quarantine TV watching with Dana and Jess - Sex, Drugs and Teen Angst or Viral Vampires, they've got you covered. Do you have the level of courage Dana has to nicely try to bring people back around to the subject at hand when someone goes rogue on a Zoom meeting or class? Or do you huff and puff until you blow the place down like Jessica does when someone plays dumb about signs that are more than clearly posted in a public place? Kids are Amazing Corner features a young boy who raised money at his lemonade stand to help single mothers. What the What Corner is a Cowboy Dinosaur Influencer who thinks he is invincible and missed the memo about trespassing in a museum. Rave #1 is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, a book gifting program that gives free books to children in 5 countries, inspired by the fact that her father never learned to read or write. Rave #2 is the Black is Beautiful Collaboration amongst Craft Breweries, started by Weathered Souls Brewery, to raise awareness for the injustices people of color face daily and raise funds for police brutality reform and legal defenses for those who have been wronged.
Imagination Library - https://imaginationlibrary.com/
Black is Beautiful Beer - https://blackisbeautiful.beer/

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 77: Hand, Foot and Mouth
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
The passing of RBG made all of us think, what else could 2020 throw at us? A listener who is having to do some real adulting now that her parents' insurance no longer covers her has Jessica relating on many levels. Another listener sent a rant specific to Dana and her extreme intolerance to peoples' feet. Storybook Corner is new thanks to a listener who sent a "Nobody Likes A Fart" book for Jessica to read to Dana. Weirdo of the Week had us wringing our hands together over what lengths people will go to for money. Rave #1 Beauty 2 The Streetz is a non profit serving the homeless population of downtown Los Angeles recognizing that the lack of a home does not mean a lack of humanity. Beauty 2 The Streetz aims to serve the homeless by providing necessities alongside the things that make us feel inherently human: a hot shower, a hearty meal, the hope-inducing feeling of looking in the mirror and loving what you see. Rave #2 Hand in Hand Soap, for every product purchased from they'll donate a bar of soap and a month of clean water to a child in need. On top of that, their products are cruelty free, totally natural, and sustainably made. With almost 3 million bars of soap donated, Hand in Hand found a simple solution to fight back against water-related illnesses in children.
Beauty 2 The Streetz - https://www.beauty2thestreetz.org/
Hand in Hand - https://www.handinhandsoap.com/